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the orchid is in a quantum superposition of sleepy and not sleepy until placed in bed

yelling at "ai" again

fucking useless nonsense

Orchid! boosted

It’s that time of year - people asking us about #bumblebees - WHY THEY’RE SEEING THEM ON THE GROUND - so here’s a thread to explain what they’re up to.
Please #repost.
Every #queen that survives means a new colony that gets to exist & produce new queen #bees for next year!
So this is important to share.
Thank you.

Orchid! boosted

🔞, kinda kink 

im too cute and docile and mind broken submissive to be snooty royalty

if i had a lot of money like 50k usd i still think people would come first before my silly gadgets

i feel like crd but without the money or the connections to get a hold of all the weird stuff i want to show off or teach about or whatever

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like theres a sharp watch that can do basic and stuff and has a pocket keyboard dock and can be programmed but its fuckass expensive because its always "ooooo collectors vintage!!!!"

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