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sometimes this one forgets that it has actual skill at arcade games sometimes which feels weird because its not used to being really good at something

looking up at the sky at the end of 2024 and seeing "WELCOME TO SPECIAL ROUND"

🎶three analog sticks in a box
three analog sticks
take one out, its drifting around
two analog sticks in a box🎶

if I have to deal with a small amount of analog stick goofyness then thats fine

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I risk breaking a ribbon cable pretty much immediately (back touchpad cable) if I'm not careful opening the outer shell

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this is the difference like id gladly open a gba up because its like, one circuit board, a screen, and one ribbon cable.
the Vita is not that simple.

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briefly thought about opening up the vita not yet. I want to wait until parts fail completely before i do anything that risks breaking other parts

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applied a cute skin to my xbox controller and cat paw thumbsticks to my vita

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