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someday, mimo will get its own magical girl sona, but until then


feel like i never get restful sleep anymore
i shouldnt be waking up feeling so terrible

I don’t usually post links to surveys - but Canadians with Long Covid and other chronic illnesses need your help!

If you have the energy and spoons to fill this out - we would so appreciate it.

It’s draft guidelines for treating Long Covid - and they’re going backwards. Ignoring all the current science and making harmful recommendations such as exercise in the acute phase (which actually increases your odds of Long Covid) and CBT for PEM (which doesn’t work)

This feels like an attempt to shift Long Covid patients into a “psychological” Bucket - which we know will harm them. There’s already dreadfully few treatments for those with Long Covid and/or ME/CFS… we have to ensure we don’t lose access to them!

Link here and the deadline is November 27th at 1145pm EST:

#LongCovid #SarsCov2 #MECFS #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #chronicillness #spoonie #wearamask

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