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doll should be equipped with software (fluffy blankie) and hardware (railgun),,,,

doing voice training until I can produce the sound of a metal pipe falling with my voice

missed opportunity for game boy camera bot to say "SMILE! Its on Gameboy Camera!"

dollposting noise 

the doll's "rose eye" is claimed to "see the world in a different way, more colorful and flowery"

it *needs* a cute dressup game for its vita

I'm currently unemployed, mostly bedridden, and trying to find a new doctor who* is actually interested in treating me. It's a whole thing.

If you could donate a couple dollars, that'd really help me. Thanks so much.

* Not that one. A time machine is not required, though I wouldn't say no to one.

need to be dressed up like a fancy collectors doll i am not sorry

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A suffering girl applied all combat intel in a lush forest

bug hugs will make everything better i think

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