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mimogen boosted

"why dont you have a nintendo switch" the switch size puts me off from it

charging the psvita after a while of not playing with it

you can attract a mimogen by presenting a nice soup or video game or a cool mech or small plane

🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ give us attention meow meow

mimogen boosted

Chris Ponting (ME researcher/UEdinburgh) argues the lack of attention to, or even recognition of ME, is one of the major health problems of our age:

'The extent of scientific disinterest in ME is clear: so far this year, there have been 17-times more publications mentioning “multiple sclerosis” than those mentioning ME or CFS, despite MS being rarer'!

We have ignored or down-played Britain's community of ME suffered too long - things need to change

#health #ME

inside is an ascii bug 

( | | | | ):
the pillbug

i should create a 88x31 button for my site tbh

mimogen boosted

I'm working with a local charity to refurb donated laptops for them to release back into the community and they get a lot of ex-business laptops with BIOS passwords set. It's really annoying!
If you're a business IT person donating old hardware, pretty please with a cherry on top remove the BIOS passwords first xxx

"i can fix her", but its me thinking about the world

mimogen boosted

Masks in healthcare, eugenics, ableism 

I asked for feedback from healthcare workers who mask (or don’t mask) in preparation for an article I’m doing about masks in healthcare.

I asked them to tell me WHY they mask or conversely - why they don’t.

I had a number of great responses - various healthcare workers who said they mask to protect themselves, their communities and their patients. They mask so the patients don’t feel unsafe. They mask so the patients don’t have to ask. Some were even masking because they too had Long Covid and couldn’t risk reinfection.

Then there were the ones who said they didn’t mask. I had about 80% “don’t mask” and 20% “do mask”… but algos tend to favour division so it may be a bit skewed.

The reasons for not masking were what you expect:

😤 I don’t have to
😤 They don’t work
😤 They’re uncomfortable
😤 I’m not high risk
😤 COVID isn’t a threat anymore

Very few of the non maskers spoke of anything except their own feelings and viewpoints/risk factors. The patients didn’t seem to factor in at all.

But the one that knocked the wind out of me - the one that felt like a direct punch in the gut - came from an ONCOLOGIST (who gave me permission to share)

“I don’t mask because it is very inconvenient, in fact I hate it. I’m not afraid of any viral illness I can contract. If my patients want, they can wear N95 permanently. That’s all.”

This man spends ALL day with immune compromised people. With those who literally have had their entire immune systems wiped out by chemotherapy. Those who are already fighting for their lives. Yet HE wasn’t worried. How comforting.

I will admit I’m extra sensitive about this because three weeks ago I lost a friend and fierce advocate for masks in healthcare. She had cancer and Long Covid and caught Covid again while getting her chemotherapy. None of the staff would mask.

I just don’t get it. First of all - it’s cruel to assume that all cancer patients can “mask permanently”. Many need oxygen, trachs, feeding tubes etc. Some have oral or facial cancer which would prevent masking. Chemo and radiation can cause painful mouth ulcers and sore throats - patients are routinely given ice chips and popsicles. You can’t have those if you’re wearing a mask.

The bigger question I have is - if you care so little about your patients that you’re perfectly fine giving them a virus that may very well kill them… why are you treating the cancer? Why are you practicing medicine at all? Why are you going to such lengths to save a life when you’re going to turn around and put it in jeopardy.

I simply don’t get it. I asked him these questions and never got an answer. I was coldly told the patients could wear three masks if they wanted but he never would again.

I’m working on Part 1 in a three part series on masks in healthcare - so for now I will simply say this.

You CHOSE to be a doctor. Your patients didn’t choose to get sick. They would rather be anywhere than in the hospital. They’re weak, scared and have put their lives in your hands. Be better than this guy. Wear a mask. Respect the huge responsibility you’ve been entrusted with.

I hope to have Part One published within the next two days - it’ll be online at

#keepmasksinhealthcare #CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans #NoMaskBans

mimogen boosted

I finally got to use "You snooze you lose. And my friend, it looks like you snost, and you lost" naturally

i wish to temporarily opt out of percieving the horrors

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