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your "weakness of the flesh" cannot compete with my Coolness Of The H15B Acerby Type-B

im learning how to database fear me

its only microsoft access but fear me >:3

mimogen boosted
hi fedi, does amewone have resources fur helping understand and navigating autistic burnout?

reminder that redundancy redundancy redundancy dont solely rely on IA
single point of failure, yadda

mimogen boosted

mutual aid request, facing homelessness 

Welp. I'll keep it quick.

I'll be likely homeless by next month, as my landlord has decided to end our contract and has given me a month to leave my apartment. Most of the money will go towards finding a place to rent, getting furniture (since most of the basic furniture in this apartment is not mine) and moving costs.

I know this is a lot of money to ask, specially after having done this before just weeks ago, and I feel slightly ashamed that I need to do it like this, but this situation finds me at an impasse, as I've been unemployed for over a year now, and while I've been constantly seeking for employment for the past months, the truth is that no one wants to hire a guy in his 20s with no degree and a suspicious gap in his resume, and while next year I'm enrolling in college in order to finally have something that's worth for employers, I still need a place to live before I can think about that... 😅

I would've loved to setup something more formal like a GoFundMe, but unfortunately Chile is not one of the countries they allow to make fundraisers, so a goal in Ko-Fi will have to do.

Please, anything helps.


#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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