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my body really kinda went "ur ass gettin 8 hours of sleep whether you like it or not"

*pa speaker* to the entity owning a....giant rhinocerous beetle, it is currently in the parking lot flipping the volkswagon beetles over.

shoo straight person go look at a stock market or something

Orchid! boosted

Queer family with kids in hostile central Florida need help. We are in dire need of food and $760 in overdue bills
Venmo: @londonshine
cashapp: $glamorshark

aight i really should eepy beepy im up wayyy too late and very :battery_low:

cursed, country music 

chicken fry might as well be an i spy prompt in song form

ill have to find the pair of jeans that fit just right somewhere else, we dont pants in this house

Orchid! boosted

here, consider: Oakley's sick new shoes
👟 👟

here, consider: Oakley's sick new shoes
👟 👟

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