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whats the current meta on physical security keys like yubikey and stuff

i dont think i have an actual need for a yubikey but it does seem fun to just jam it in for authorization like im a researcher entering a top secret lab

for context i have some parts I need to repair/replace
i am missing the keyboard nipple and the internal speakers are nonfunctional

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ebay sweetie when I search thinkpad x220 that does not under any circumstances mean "display 5 of the newest thinkpads that are not the x220 or related to it at all"

thinkpad x220 questions again 

wait so with the wifi whitelist removed, can I just put any slot compatible wifi card in

fuck the hoa I want 🗿 on my lawn and everytime they go to post a notice on my door they'll turn to face the person, open their mouths, and fire laser circles with Gradius sfx. lawn defending moai

Orchid! boosted
Orchid! boosted

@wyatt @theking yeah its got uefi which makes me go :D cause uefi lets you do some goofy shit

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