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fuck the hoa I want 🗿 on my lawn and everytime they go to post a notice on my door they'll turn to face the person, open their mouths, and fire laser circles with Gradius sfx. lawn defending moai

@wyatt @theking yeah its got uefi which makes me go :D cause uefi lets you do some goofy shit

@wyatt im learning a lot about thinkpad now that I own one.

i dont think ive been this ":0" at a laptop in a long long time

@theking theres another one that unlocks even further config features and a warning to not fuck around lest ye find out

"thinkpad modded bios with wifi whitelist removed" is NOT a sentence I expected to read

@0x4d6165 me wondering why it doesnt work after disabling it in bios

so apparently the yellow usb port is the always on charging port

the toughbook gets to sit in the designated "server machine resting area" of the room and I get to remote desktop

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@theking i was actually not expecting a response other than "no"

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