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some song recomends 

@cave_johnson im not exactly sure of the bpm on these tracks but

Ketsui OST - NO REMORSE (Vs. True Last Boss)

Tetris The Absolute: The Grand Master 2 OST - Levels 700-899

Machine Girl - Cyan Hardcore

Need some song recommendations for Charting for its arcade machines
(preferably higher bpm 170 or higher, lower works for Tech or so. Meme songs also work, if too slow it can just do a remix of it to make it suit (no trap though that doesn't work good at all (and well its not very fond of that (unless it's a giga meme))



lesbian robots on your timeline? more likely than you think

mh, rsd 

love when i get anxious that i said something wrong somehow is this the RSD talking again

everytime im asked what i want i always get stuck. i dont know why.

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🔞, lewd 

i dont want to computer i want to get fucked on a bed made of moss you dont understand

re: porn, post-sex photo, sex talk: in praise of dicking 

@elilla WOW

i dont suffer from head empty im actually really good at it

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