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i found a lain desktop clock on a cdrom for one of the ost releases of SEL

she just stares at you.

it also tells time, but she just stares at you and blinks

most cursed thing ever
eink screen with a terminal open at "Welcome to OS/2"

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oh no wait this is telnet

oh even more retro lets go i love plaintext

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i remember actually managing an ssh connection into OS/2 a year or two ago

how many times are we gonna reboot

thats 3 so far

i found a lain desktop clock on a cdrom for one of the ost releases of SEL

she just stares at you.

it also tells time, but she just stares at you and blinks

@theking thats like how the original R4 cards didnt support sdhc so anything over 2gb was a nogo

remember when computer programs had some semblance of personality

@theking OH.
thats a new one for me. I have never encountered a machine like that before.

@theking theres a hour and a half long video on youtube of a guy (druaga1, "Installing OS/2 On An SD Card) learning this the hard way

i only do os/2 in virtual machines for good reason

i wish I was kidding its disk partitioning program legit glitched the fuck out when met with big hard drive

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if you give it like 10gb hard drive the entire thing fucking falls to pieces

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os2 and its perfectly functional drive partitioning :)

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