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That trans girl that you follow, the one that you see as amazing and cool and goals? The one that seems to have a ton of friends and followers? She's just a normal girl, with normal feelings and, more importantly, normal hidden struggles. Your interactions and kind words might actually make her day when she's feeling down, or insecure, or feeling the pressure of social interactions due to any number of things. Remember, there's always just a normal girl behind that screen. ​:asuka_love:

i love my computer all the gay entities are inside it

@sterophonick *potion seller voice* my video games are too powerful for you, traveller

i still dont quite understand why i purchased a toughbook ngl

Navi2: 9front VM
Navi1: Toughbook CF-31
Bowtie: HP Mini 110-3000 notebook

drawterm: terminal for connecting to remote Plan 9 cpu servers from other, non plan 9 operating systems

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i will take a small break from 9front to do something potentially even more pointless.

OS/2 Warp 4

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