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goodness ive forgoten like all my SmallBASIC knowledge its been too long

Remember that the NAACP is calling for a massive boycott of Walmart, McDonald's and Meta because of their about face on DEI under pressure from the vague notions of the US president and his friends.

I would appreciate it you participated in this boycott too. It seems like it's pretty big.

(The NAACP has likely spoken with people at these organizations and found no common ground. They kind of hate calling for corporate boycotts so I can only imagine they go nowhere and were disgusted.)

vampire posting 

youd invite me in right? *smiles showing fangs*

its gonna be super important to be supporting libraries going forward, more than usual i think

when the weather is nicer I should go library more often tbh
too cold and I don't feel like traversing the snow at the moment

ahhh, comfy netbook
slowly moving stuff off my phone due to various personal reasons

not like, ditching the phone entirely since I still need some things the netbook just can't do

I prefer to work on something more under my control/working for me instead of against me.

💭that clip of the joker talking about paying his taxes because the IRS is scarier than batman is

@deejvalen i have played gunnac and all i can hear is the low shield sound because you score more if your shields are low

vampire posting 

youd invite me in right? *smiles showing fangs*

no seriously this game has way too much slowdown it feels like the game is going to overload the board its running on

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more like Slowdown Scorpion hahaha goteem

new mimara arcade clear
Sand Scorpion, 1ALL (Face, 1992)

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