mutual aid request, semi urgent
hey im like
20 cents short of being able to pay my phone bill
which renews tomorrow
can i get some help?
maybe also help me pay next months bill too (like 35 dollars because theres this fucking bleh 3.5 dollar tax)?
transfem unemployed autistic artist, currently infected with covid.
kofi in bio
#MutualAid #TransMutualAid
post stolen to caption image
very gender for our system, tag urself
EDIT: artist found
mutual aid request
unemployed autistic transfem short story writer who needs a bit of help paying bills. phone and what should be my last tuition payment specifically.
I promise to pay it all forward when I can.
80/80 USD GOAL REACHED but any further donations are appreciated
kofi in profile.
mutual aid request (money help)
EDIT: $20/$45
hey folks i might need some help with bills again this month
im really super close to paying off my leftover college tuitiony bill stuff and on top of that i still need to pay a phone bill. im dlowly working towards having some kind of income, might do art maybe idk.
i only need like $45 dollars or so to cover the needed expenses (phone plus college bill)
as usual, kofi in bio.
thanks for keeping me afloat thus far
mutual aid request
its our birthday soon and i could use some help with bills (which should soon be less as we're three payments away from paying off leftover college tuition stuff!)
kofi in bio
goal is somewhere around 70 dollars
trans neurodivirgent (autism, plural) currently unemployed
#TransMutualAid #MutualAid
thank you for helping us in advance fedi.
Mimara Orchid is a sleepy doll girl and artist of various mediums, mostly written text. Enjoys cute clothes and stuff, cool bugs, games, mecha and planes and other vehicles, and making things. She/Her, It/Its.
Salamander Rosegarden is The Maiden Of The Eternal Garden, a witch specializing in plant based magic. Often pondering food recipies or admiring Mimara's weird behaviors.
Neither of them are human. They are very in lesbians with each other.
20s, white, traumaqueer, plural.
posts nsfw often. adults only please!
Banner: The "Legendary Armored Core Grip" where someone holds the Playstation controller backwards because older AC games had funky controls. Mostly a meme.