porn, post-sex photo, sex talk: in praise of dicking 

Like most trans women I leaned to enjoy sex not oriented towards penetration or genitals or orgasms. And it's certainly very liberating, to be free of the pressure to "perform" as a top, to come, to make come, or from the pressure of having sex in the first place; to know you can do just what you both feel like that night, and it will be good.

But I feel like sometimes we end up downtalking penetrative sex. So I wanted to be cock-positive and list some ways I love being a 🔝.

I love that I can just turn her around and fuck her at any random bout of horny I have. I love bottoms, I love how you can just ~take~ them and they open up like little flowers. I love easy girls (like attracts like).

I love how often anal sex happens by itself for me. I love to be just snuggling and fooling around and before I realise it, I have pulled down her panties and plap plap plap. I love how this is a pattern.

I love desire. Being seized by it, feeling it overwhelm that initial inertia of "eh maybe not today, I'm tired, anal sex is so messy" etc. with a simple, all-powerful "wamt". I love feeling possessed.

I love the part of risk awareness where I go like "ok since last seeing you I fucked 9 people, 2 genitally since my last STI test". especially when "since last seeing you" is like 2 months.

I love the idea that she travelled all the way to Germany again specifically because she missed my cock that much. I love teasing her by purring that provocation into her ear in my most femme register, mid-pounding, and to feel her hole clench with pleasure in response, and then to conclude: "my (plap) cock (plap) loves (plap) you (plap) too, (pause while all in:) it's reciprocal".

(it's not really true as our dating is more than just sex. but the fantasy of it is hot.)

I love how I don't have gonadal testosterone in my system for seven years now, how I don't even have gonads, and nonetheless I keep getting hard and toppy every time I get a lusty bottom in my perverted hands. I love how my body itself is unnatural, a mockery of cishet commonsense. I love being a living blasphemy to all laws of God and Man.

I love the feeling of my big, squishy breasts pressing against her back as I fuck her ass.

I love that my cock has a "knot". I love how pushing that middle is a second obstacle after I get the glans in, the feeling of overcoming that obstacle. I love how they yearn for it, how they moan when it gets in. This unbelievable miracle where they want so much for me to do exactly what I crave so much doing.

I love objectification kink and how popular it is. I love how basically all bottoms I know will get off instantly if I tell them I'm just using this fuckhole to masturbate because I'm horny. "Damn this feels (plap) so good (plap)—to me(plap)—which is what matters. (pause to let the words sink in.) (deep thrust.)" most of the time this isn't really true, I'm aware of their reactions and monitoring if they seem to be enjoying it too, asking checkups etc. but the fantasy is hot. deep into a good fucking and after building significant trust, sometimes there's a point where the fantasy becomes the case, where I'm tripping so hard on the sensations that I forget that she exists, or that I exist for that matter, and I'm 100% focused on moving in the way that makes me feel the most pleasure. this is a rare and brief trip but when I come back from it and realise that my dominant mind-blank only made them come even harder—that fills me with a love and gratitude so big that I cannot put into words. a submissive bottom is the most precious treasure and that I get to have even one is unspeakably lucky, let alone so many.

"You're precious too", they tell me, "I wanted someone like you for so long" and after all these years I'm still like, "wait you *like* that I'm like this? you don't hate me for it? you *crave* it??"

I love to cover them in little kisses and caresses and praise while I fuck them. and then to change to a rough pin with a grip strong enough to leave bruises, or a merciless hand on neck, feminine nails digging in. I love how it's the latter approach that makes them moan like "oh hell yes" and "more please" and "harder, Mommy". I love how every time they say "yes" my cocks pulsates harder, how is not my cruelty itself but their thirst for my cruelty that makes me horny.

while I'll admit I miss the optics of a wet orgasm, I love how my feminine cock will oscillate between hard and soft and hard again while still inside and just, keep, going without end, lesbian sex style, giving me echoing waves of multiple orgasms in the process.

I love to make sure they shower and drink water after I fuck them, I love to brew them a nice herbal tea and bring them arnica to treat the aches I caused. I love having them suckle on my breasts as we rest in a lube-stained bed, to stroke their hair and go, "well done", and, "that was amazing you're amazing", and, importantly: "good girl".


re: porn, post-sex photo, sex talk: in praise of dicking 

@elilla WOW

re: porn, post-sex photo, sex talk: in praise of dicking 

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