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junø boosted

"you cant just point at an entire order of animals and call them all gay"

yes i can crabs are gay

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junø boosted
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junø boosted

i understand if you wanna block/mute whoever you want but consider telling the person what they're doing wrong especially if they're nd like. it can be super othering and sometimes us nds dont know if we're doing anything wrong and aren't looking to hurt anyone

mh hacks, plurality 

life hack for empath systems with universal alexithymia:
feel each others emotions and write them down for each other.

junø boosted

Take a break before you need it. It will make it easier to prevent burnout.

junø boosted

weighted blankets are dangerous b/c i have responsibilities but I don't wanna get out from under the hug device

junø boosted

weighted blankets are dangerous b/c i have responsibilities but I don't wanna get out from under the hug device

junø boosted

Sometimes the most radical form of praxis is continuing to exist.

donation request for a friend, sui Es wird finanzielle Unterstützung gebraucht um eine Person und deren Unterstützer*innen so gut es geht durch eine suizidale Krise zu bringen. Alles hilft, inklusive boosten.

junø boosted

Women are not inherently gentle nurturers. Black people are not a race of brave freedom fighters. Indigenous peoples are not all (shudder) noble nature warriors. Jewish people are not meek, helpless sufferers. Screw your "positive" stereotypes, dehumanization with sparkles and smiley faces is still dehumanization, a promise to revoke our human rights the moment we fail to live up to impossible standards.

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junø boosted

reduce your ableist language (contains examples of same) 

There’s a *lot* of ableist language in common parlance. These words and similar ones exist as slurs towards neurodivergent folks in particular. Try pushing yourself to replace/eliminate them.

crazy, insane, mental ➡️ wild, surprising, hectic
dumb, stupid ➡️ foolish, silly
idiot, moron, dumbass ➡️ bigot, asshole, fool

In addition, you are encouraged to think through what you’re trying to say better, and address what the real issue worth criticising is. And if you can’t rephrase it, maybe it didn’t need to be said at all.

junø boosted

cuteness and softness are not inherently child-like

junø boosted

"accomplice" is a nice gender neutral term for your significant other

junø boosted

neurodivergent people: hello. we are Very Very aware that this behavior can be harmful but it's something we struggle with and people's response to us struggling with it is like, Extremely Harmful. can you not
other neurodivergent people who feel like they don't have to critically analyze their ableism because they're also nd: have you considered that you're just an asshole??

junø boosted

TERFs, gender discourse 

TERFs specifically come from 2nd wave feminism where they conceptualize gender as a social structure used by men to oppress women, but see men and women as fundamentally biologically different sexes without overlap.

when radical feminists want to "abolish gender" they are referring to abolishing the social order of gender and establishing an explicitly biological determinist sex division. this is bad and harmful, and specifically seeks to harm trans and nonbinary people.

junø boosted

Pep talk 

What if, when people say you're great, you could realize that:

Rather than not seeing you completely and assuming you're better than you are, they ARE seeing all the times you're not perfect, and yet the *overall* feeling they have about you is that you're great

junø boosted

financial help for friend, birdsite link 

from a friend:

"Yesterday I lost my E-cigarette and I can't replace it... It's approximately 80 bucks.

On August 1st school begins again so it's just about the worst time to be going through withdrawal.

Any help is appreciated."

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