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nooo, i hope it gets better soon

junø boosted
junø boosted

Fool's Garden - Lemon Tree was about lockdowns sitting here in boring rooms

junø boosted

selfie ec 🦈 

i'm radically soft and ready to be gay do crime

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junø boosted

The #anarchistlibrary ist voll von wichtiger anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Theorie, doch leider gibt es so vieles davon nicht auf Deutsch.

Wir möchten das gerne ändern und so langsam beginnen auch diese Texte zu übersetzen. Wenn du einen Wunsch hast lasse es mich einfach wissen. Ob De Cleyre, Stirner, Malatesta, Parsons oder eher unbekannte Autor:innen - wir sind für alles offen.

#Anarchie #Anarchismus

das ist toll aber warum stirner nach deutsch übersetzen? :D

junø boosted

Leftism without the work of antiracism slides quickly into fascism.

junø boosted

I built a split keyboard and it's perfect to put a plushie in between

@cuddles i just have nailpolish there right now. really gotta clean my desk

did we defederate with can't access it.

junø boosted

#introductions hello! I'm Alex, a 20-year old bi agender leftist vegan programmer currently living in Germany!

covid, ger
yeah its bullshit...
we had problems getting tested while we had it because of shit like this. not cool beaurocrats, not cool.

junø boosted

Does anyone have resources on non-wicca non-appropriative witchery they'd recommend?

junø boosted

Ableism, gaslighting, MECFS, Chronic Illness 

operating on adrenaline isn't great...

not so hiddden transmedicalism 

i hate it so much. because of its bioessentialist understandings of gender (and sex tbh) and because of the ableism and classism around it. like theres so many people who can't go on hormones for pain or body reasons, who are denied hrt, those who can't afford it, those who have to stay hidden... we are not any less of ourselves for it.

junø boosted
junø boosted

apropos of nothing but, i feel like if your first reaction to someone saying "this is my experience of something, this is how i feel" is "they're making it up for attention!!" then like

maybe, do not do that?

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