Whaaa, you launch a fast train between Amsterdam and Brussels and the slower train is the faster and cheaper option 😂

health, negative 

Well, I have a 39 celsius fever now, which is Not Good. It's very likely I caught Covid too, which fucking sucks given that I am immunocompromised.

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Arcade dude messages to say hey Dan how many minutes d'you think this Portal pinball machine will remain functional, and I gotta go find the thread where I clown on the worst pinball machine I've ever seen until the CEO emails my workplace and tries to get them to sack me mstdn.social/@ifixcoinops/1099

health, negative 

Yep. Covid has entered the house.

I used to have a coworker who said things like "Today morning" or "Today evening".

It just turned my world upside down, like, "Actually, you're right. Why in the world do we not say it like that?"

And I've put the whole language on notice since then.

Soo, when are people going to open a class action suit against the LLM organizations doing large scale attacks everyone's Internet infrastructure?

If scientology could ruin somebody life for running a ddos tool surely there is precedent? And it's not exactly hard to find first hand accounts of Internet infrastructure taken down by these bots until mitigations fought them off.

Complaining about LLMs 

"Okay but AI could be used to-"

okay but we WON'T, though.

You get that, right? This isn't the Star Trek future where people use technology with potentially dangerous applications for purposes which promote social good because they understand the responsibilities they carry. This is the corporate raider present where people will tell you they have a legal duty to ignore all consequences in the pursuit of profit.

politics, reference to US politics 

Did you notice how Trump and Musk, in several weeks time, managed to convert pretty much every single punitive government system and structure into something oppressive that furthers their personal agenda?

If you are not in the US, please learn from this for your local politics. This is why you want to avoid having punitive systems (and systems that otherwise control or restrict people) as much as possible. They are like catnip to authoritarians; they're a big cannon that they can point at anyone they don't like.

That includes prisons, border control (yes, even tourist visas), intelligence agencies, cops, and so on.

A healthy governance system is built out of systems and structures that *lift people up*, that take care of them, that encourage positive contributions to society. Those systems cannot be as easily subverted, and they also produce consistently better outcomes (just look at basically any research on this topic).

Build systems that support and inspire, not systems that restrict and control, and then your government won't be so vulnerable to the first ambitious authoritarian that happens to pass by.

It's really only a single small step from "keeping out illegal immigrants" to "deporting all Jewish/Black/trans/disabled/etc. people". You've already built all the infrastructure for them.

spamming fedi is so funny can you imagine a literal worse demographic to have pissed off at you than a bunch of tech nerds who built their own social media infrastructure out of glue and spite

You have a good heart, but please don't hyperfixate on consuming. You have to do more than that. Work stoppages, malicious compliance, supply chain failures, and forming strong, resilient local communities will do way more than going without what you need hoping it hurts them more than it hurts you. Organizing strategic protests, drafting legislation, going after shitheels trying to get away with breaking existing laws. How about carpooling? Less people need to buy cars, then!

CC: @xankarn@mastodon.online

Het gaat naar omstandigheden […] en/maar de omstandigheden zijn {…}.


In case you thought I was clever 

Now if these were DIVERTERS, that'd be slightly more sensible, if you had 3 devices that could send water either one way or the other then you could arrange them in a pyramid with the outputs of the top connected to the inputs of the two beneath and you could drive four hoses with three coils, but I sent the hamster at the back of my brain on a mission to try and do this with valves and then I sat down with my pencil and graph paper and said OK brainhamster what'd you think of while I was doing other stuff and the hamster went 🐹 boss if you send me on another of these wild goose chases I swear to god

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In case you thought I was clever 

🦝 So I figure "Wow, each one of these solenoids is kinda expensive, but I'm right clever, bet I can get more zones with fewer solenoids using some kinda fancy maths and a clever arrangement of pipes."

A matrix! Yaknow, like how Williams used a lamp matrix in their games? Six transistors could supply nine bulbs - you'd have 3 transistors switching power, and 3 switching ground, and to turn on one bulb you'd turn on its power and ground transistors, one to let the electrons in and one to let them back out again.

🐰 you mean you were drawing up a plan to have one coil to let the water into the vegetables AND ANOTHER ONE TO LET IT COME BACK INTO THE PIPE


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I realize that it's "just" a pastebin and there are many others of those around the web, but something feels very on-the-nose here about what Mozilla has become over the past years, both in the action and in the phrasing

If you want people in your community to post more nuanced in-depth takes, then banning flippant rhetoric and thought-terminating cliches is a pretty good first step to take.

Because if a flippant response is the only thing you ever get in response to a carefully written argument (and you will; because flippant responses are trivial to write), you're going to stop writing those carefully written arguments very quickly.

This toot inspired by a comment section on a particular website, but applicable in many places.

Hey baking friends, does someone have a tried and true vegan, glutenfree cookie recipe?

Only recipes you tried yourself please, I'm able to google just fine, I want something that's actually reliable.

I realize that it's "just" a pastebin and there are many others of those around the web, but something feels very on-the-nose here about what Mozilla has become over the past years, both in the action and in the phrasing

I find it fascinating how many "no code" startups there are, that are basically just a reincarnation of the now-dead Microsoft Access but with much less flexibility

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Small server part of the pixie.town infrastructure. Registration is closed.