If you're ever taking trains in Europe, please checkout Chuuchuu:

It's a great site that uses historical train delay data to better estimate good train rates and realistic transfer windows between trains and such.

It seems like a must have to me but doesn't seem to be that popular yet

Hey, ich bin stolz auf Euch die ihr jeden Tag Medikamente nehmen müsst. Immer dran denken müsst, immer dabei haben müsst bei jedem unterwegs sein.

Das sagt einem nie jemand, deswegen mach ichs: ich bin stolz auf Euch, dass Ihr das organisiert bekommt.

Buy Canadian is good but Steal American is better.

Pirate media from American media companies. Disregard their intellectual property. Don't spend your money elsewhere to vote with your dollar, vote with your dollar by stealing theirs.

saw a kid with a desktop wallpaper as a tier list of all their desktop shortcuts

shitpost, uspol 

United States of Mexico

FISH DOORBELL is LIVE! visdeurbel.nl

If you don't see the doorbell and get the YouTube live video, it's because the doorbell is at capacity (I think the max is 2000). Try waiting a little bit and refreshing the page.

Depending on the weather, the water may be cloudy and turbulent; just be patient!

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TIL: Whatever #ebooks or documents you put on a #Kindle, they're being indexed & uploaded automatically to the #Amazon server if the device has an internet connection. Just found out with an unpublished #manuscript that someone wanted to read on their Kindle and it ended up on the Amazon server, although it was put onto the Kindle manually via cable. Whatever you do with Amazon devices, you're adding everything to Amazon's data collection. #Enshittification #AuthorRights #IntellectualProperty

I am happy to report that wap.orf.at is recreated in all its glory. including some imagemagick for article images!

chaos technology beings will LITERALLY run the most cursed, hacked together and incomprehensible infrastructure FOR FUN and it'll still work better than most commercial offerings

something I wish I had learned much earlier in life is that if you are weird, trying to be buttoned-down and normal in spaces that aren't for being weird in might feel safe, but being fully weird signals to other people that you are safe for them to be weird around, which is more important

Love to see it! "Millions tune in as Utrecht’s fish doorbell goes live for fifth year" let's help the fishies! 🐟 (Admittedly didn't spot any myself yet as I mainly watched while having lunch at my desk instead of at dawn or dusk)


#Visdeurbel #CitizenScience #DutchFishWall #FishDoorbell

The domain mirage.foxb612.com and IP address have been blocked (defederated) from Enby.Life. These are part of a fediverse crawler system that indexes servers based on the country where they are physically located. This wouldn't normally be against our rules, but the crawler goes to great lengths to de-anonymize instances, including sending fake-signed ActivityPub probes to obtain the server's true IP address. Requests from the crawler use a web browser's User Agent to evade filters, and documentation on the website mentions that CloudFlare bypasses are also in use.

Given the complexity of setting up something like this, we believe that the crawler is likely operating with bad intentions. While there could be some use for an index of instances based on community region, tracking the actual
physical location of the server backends is highly suspicious. I'd encourage all instance admins to consider whether something like this poses a threat, and to take appropriate action.

For anyone interested in going beyond a simple domain block, please see these log excerpts typical of being crawled via AP probes. Logs are taken from a non-standard Sharkey deployment and may not directly translate to other software, but I've tried to include as much detail as possible anyway.

Sharkey admins can check whether you've been scanned by searching for backend log patterns like this (make sure to replace your instance hostname where appropriate):

Feb 17 20:10:21 campsite run-sharkey.sh[241576]: INFO * [apserv sigcheck] req-yzi /users/9fpwmts9tv (by Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0) apparently from mirage.foxb612.com: we don't know the user for keyId https://mirage.foxb612.com/kiite/key/enby.life/1739823020/NHc8pVYoNGmLk3My/main-key, trying to fetch via https://mirage.foxb612.com/kiite/key/enby.life/1739823020/NHc8pVYoNGmLk3My/main-key

Alternately, anyone with Activity Logging in place can check for AP fetch errors like this:

id,at,duration,host,request_uri,object_uri,accepted,result,object,context_hash a4n23pddff,2025-02-24 20:10:24.433000 +00:00,894.86,mirage.foxb612.com,https://mirage.foxb612.com/kiite/key/enby.life/1740427823/Y93ZjgZHZlxNSuxa/main-key,,false,Error: invalid content type of AP response - content type is not application/activity+json or application/ld+json: https://mirage.foxb612.com/kiite/key/enby.life/1740427823/Y93ZjgZHZlxNSuxa/main-key,,

A final indicator is reverse-proxy logs showing this domain as part of an HTTP Signature header. Here's an example from our Caddy server:

Feb 24 20:10:25 campsite caddy[916]: 2025/02/24 20:10:25.329 ERROR http.log.access.log0 handled request { "request": { "remote_ip": "", "remote_port": "53964", "client_ip": "", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "method": "GET", "host": "enby.life", "uri": "/users/9fpwmts9tv", "headers": { "Accept-Encoding": [ "gzip, deflate" ], "Accept": [ "application/activity+json" ], "Connection": [ "keep-alive" ], "Content-Type": [ "application/activity+json" ], "Date": [ "Mon, 24 Feb 2025 20:10:23 GMT" ], "Signature": [ "keyId=\"https://mirage.foxb612.com/kiite/key/enby.life/1740427823/Y93ZjgZHZlxNSuxa/main-key\",algorithm=\"rsa-sha256\",headers=\"(request-target) host date\",signature=\"5umGzjOXHeV8DdI4NjQqwbag6ChMKYS6\"" ], "User-Agent": [ "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0" ] }, "tls": { "resumed": false, "version": 772, "cipher_suite": 4865, "proto": "http/1.1", "server_name": "enby.life" } }, "bytes_read": 0, "user_id": "", "duration": 0.901198418, "size": 254, "status": 500, "resp_headers": { "Date": [ "Mon, 24 Feb 2025 20:10:25 GMT" ], "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [ "*" ], "Alt-Svc": [ "h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000" ], "Content-Type": [ "application/json; charset=utf-8" ], "Strict-Transport-Security": [ "max-age=15552000; preload" ], "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [ "GET, OPTIONS" ], "Content-Length": [ "254" ], "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [ "Accept" ], "Server": [ "Caddy" ], "Access-Control-Expose-Headers": [ "Vary" ], "Cache-Control": [ "private, max-age=0, must-revalidate" ] } }

#FediBlock #BlockRecommendation #Moderation #Crawler #Scraper


Radar en Seats and Sofas, een televisiehuwelijk van dertig jaar :blobcatgooglynotlikethis:

For anyone else in health insurance hell:

It happened *again*. After two years of polite phone calls every 2-3 months to my doctor and health insurance, the thing that got me unstuck was writing a polite email to the various CEOs documenting the delays, citing the state law requiring insurers to pay within 30 days, and asking for a written explanation as to why, 695 days later, they hadn't paid. Actual emails and phone calls from competent human beings within a week!


I made a thing!

It haunts your table. It charges your phone with dark energy. It might fly away and bite your other devices at night.

The fact that Jessica after only a week of solitary confinement began showing signs of severe mental health effects is not surprising to me and is also a vindication of the concept of prison abolition.

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occasionally i have some problem where i'm like. i think a llm would give me a good answer with less effort than finding it on the internet. and then i remember that the only reason that is true is because the search results are filled with llm generated results that spend 15 paragraphs not answering the question, and if none of that shit existed there would just be the thing i actually wanted, which is a html webpage that answers my question and has links to other places where i could learn more.

recipe, vegan, making fresh fries with an airfryer (2) 

As an extra note: regular shaking is recommended, as is always the case with an airfrier.

Even with regular shaking, some potatoes are going to brown before others; this is not a problem, even the ones that haven't browned will have cooked enough to be edible and tasty!

Don't wait until *all* potatoes have browned, because by that point, some of them will have started burning.

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Small server part of the pixie.town infrastructure. Registration is closed.