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Vague Subtoot, Anti-Mask, Anti-Palestinian, USPol, Screaming 

I hate how many of the disabled folks that are reporting on the mask bans are entirely missing the anti-Palestinian component of the mask ban.

There is a reason why one of the mask ban bills I saw had an exception for COVID, religion, disability, etc. And that was because if you had actually read the bill in full, the PRIMARY intent of that bill to ban Palestinian protestors and the keffiyeh as a facial covering.

And I just hate that fucking one dimensional analysis that will make shit worse, not better.

It's also something I have been getting increasingly silently pissed at after reading Project 2025. That fucking long ass bigoted as fuck document. "Oh well that's a distraction"- No that was in Parts 1, 2, and 4 of the fucking document if you would have even skimmed it. That is a CORE part of the plan. ALL of the shit folks have called a "distraction" (trans rights, mass firing of government workers, widespread disinformation, pushing as much shit through as possible and knowing that it is illegal and try to negotiate to make some parts legal) ARE FUCKING CORE COMPONENTS OF PROJECT 2025.

Fucking tired of this god damn ignorance and shit and it's not even been 2 months since he's been in office.

How do librarians remotely access their computers?


I am (still) looking for programming languages that meet the two following requirements:

1. Has a project-local, nested dependency/module mechanism (see for explanation)

2. Does *not* have an import-all feature; ie. a way to import a module that causes all its contents to be injected into scope directly. I want languages that require explicit references of some kind (prefixing things with the module name is good enough).


Where do people get this idea that C and/or C++ represent a theoretical boundary of maximum performance, and nothing can be faster?

Ah yes, rubber "recycling" - shredding tires and stuffing it into the soil as filler:

Really raises the question of where the boundary between "recycling" and "landfill" even is, doesn't it

A different manifestation of the political compass

(creator: unknown)

Concept: A computer whose first loyalty is to me, the user, and not the corporation that built it

is there a tool for #linux that gives me a bunch of drag-and-droppable colourful boxes with editable text content?

i do not care what kind of tool it is meant to be. if it is a task manager or a mind map tool or whatever. i want colorful boxes, i want to put text into them, i want to freely arrange and rearrange them into a linear list, i want to be able to scroll down if the list gets very long, and i want to spend 0 minutes on drawing the boxes myself or resizing them or whatever. please recommend a tool that does that

mozilla, browsers, actionable :boost_requested: 

In light of Mozilla's recent terms-of-service bullshit (and well, the years of enshittification preceding that too)...

Here's a reminder that Servo:
- Is an independent browser engine that exists,
- Is no longer a Mozilla project,
- But *is* being actively developed and maintained,
- And needs your help and contributions to make it a full-fledged alternative!

(Its current primary objective is defined as being an "embeddable browser engine" but this is only the first step, and more importantly, it's where 95% of the work in "building a complete browser" lies)

re: uspol, angry 

@joepie91 it's also called "appeasement". You know, something that worked out very well in Europe in the years of 1933 to 1940 /s

the main reason I use Linux despite how frustrating and headachy it constantly is is that I'm allergic to the feeling that some corporation is shaping what I do with my computer and how. I found Windows 95 and the first OSX to be so condescending and constraining as to be intolerable, and both only got worse with time. I hate Linux and the STEM-poisoned culture surrounding it, but there's no alternative.

however so much of computing now is web or mobile, and as years pass more and more migrates to it. and then when I'm using stuff that's garden-walled in other people's servers or that's only available in "no root in your own device: the OS" Android, I have to swallow the same sensation I've been working hard to escape all my life: that a USA corporation put a straightjacket on me.

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it's ridiculous how it's now normal that computers are adversarial to their owners and using a computer now means to be working around constantly hostility of software designed specifically to not help you, and this is accepted enough that for young people that's their whole idea of what a computer is, a sort of scammy robot always trying to pull one over you

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A great write up on "America's long, historic stand against kings"

uspol, angry 

What particularly pisses me off is how some people are going "well Zelenskyy should not have pressed the issue of security guarantees, and just accepted the implicit promise".

First of all, an 'implicit promise' is worth fuck all when you are dealing with someone who has no sense of obligation towards promises in the first place, like Trump. If it's not on paper or video, it doesn't exist.

But perhaps more important is the underlying subtext of this criticism. Because that subtext is "well you know Trump is volatile and unreliable, so you shouldn't do anything to provoke him, and instead navigate around it".

That's a very familiar pattern. You know what it's called? "Enabling an abuser" and "victim blaming".

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PSA: Europe PubMed Central exists.

"Europe PMC provides comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources. It's available to anyone, anywhere for free. With Europe PMC you can search and read 45.6 million publications [10.5 full texts], prereprints and other documents enriched with links to supporting data, reviews, protocols, and other relevant resources."


Also @SafeguardingResearch got the database of #PubMed

uspol, angry 

@joepie91 There's genuinely no outcome where Trump hadn't thrown a fit and pulled support

Tech contractors need to recognize class.

This is a bit more reflective and spicy with some shit I've been working/stewing on the last few months.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.