meant to be working?
behind on an important paper?
got a deadline coming up??
procrastinate by trying to find citations for wiki articles with citation hunt — it'll be tomorrow in no time!
Remember that the NAACP is calling for a massive boycott of Walmart, McDonald's and Meta because of their about face on DEI under pressure from the vague notions of the US president and his friends.
I would appreciate it you participated in this boycott too. It seems like it's pretty big.
(The NAACP has likely spoken with people at these organizations and found no common ground. They kind of hate calling for corporate boycotts so I can only imagine they go nowhere and were disgusted.)
So, summing up: software estimates are bad and wrong because even people asking for them rarely want good ones, and an effective project will learn enough as it goes to make them obsolete.
If you have to do one, fine, hold your nose and do it in a low-cost way, and then run your project in such a way that your stakeholders get what they actually need, both in terms of software and politics. But for many projects it's sufficient to just get on with the project.
Either way, it's usually possible to work with integrity. And if not, estimates are the least of your problems, so remember that developers are still in high demand, so it's worth looking for a job that won't eat your soul.
I think the right answer depends a ton on circumstances. But what has worked for me is to listen very carefully to find the actual needs behind the stated needs, and find ways to satisfy the actual needs without feeling like I'm grossly compromising my own integrity.
fascism, furry fandom, twitter (cw boost)
Eventually this transition point will end, and either we have come out the other side a more open and free global society where digital access isn't gatekept by tech oligopolies... Or those that failed to gear down are now fully captive to those same tech oligopolies, unable to own anything.
I can't claim the term, I learned it from the late Eric Flint, author of SF alternate history Ring of Fire/1632 series.
But it really is where we are at, we're still in a transition point where we can build communities based on older and more open standards and where physical media is still obtainable and reproducible, with storage cheap enough to hold digital copies of that media locally. Older technology and appliances are still useful enough that we can learn the skills to maintain/repair.
I've decided to embrace my lack of high speed internet during the week. It will encourage me to stick to my principles on "gearing down."
Gearing down is the concept of using a currently available higher level of technology or convenience from the same to build out a more sustainable lower level of technology or convenience before the current higher level runs out.
This is really what people are talking about when they say to combat enshittification we need to go back to X or Y:
Gearing down
CW-boost: queermisia
The freedom to let others make my decisions for me is nearly as vital as the freedom to make important decisions myself.
Some people see "empowerment" as helping people to do everything themselves but that's an overly individualist approach. What empowers me is systems/cultures of transparency, accountability, and flexible delegation that help me rely on my community.
mutual aid post, FINAL UPDATE
i am tillian. you probably have boosted this fundraiser post in the past, wondering where i went.
well, i moved!
i finally made the jump and collected enough money to last me for months on my own. i have my own apartment, and i am now living away from my abusive parents.
i am so, so, so thankful to all of you. this plan would have never left the ground without all of your undying support.
i owe you. all of you.
thank you.
love. so much love.
NAACP lists companies that dump #DEI in its tactical spending guide for Black Americans - I love the idea of a ‘tactical spending guide’. #NoBuy #Boycott #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackMastodon #BLM
grateful to everyone who contributes to, it means so much to log into the moderation and find new voices there 🙏
Turns out, Hash Tables are good...?
(wait. they always were!)
Undergraduate Upends a 40-Year-Old Data Science Conjecture
... searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible ...
The actual Paper is here:
(the article erroneously refers to the older Tiny Pointers paper 2111.12800, which is just mentioned in a footnote but also really cool for game devs)
Can someone recommend me a screen reader friendly #XMPP Client for iOS? Needs to also handle outgoing and incoming calls and the ones I've tried, Snikket, Monal, Siskin IM, all have uniquely different accessibility issues so I need to keep all 3 of them because one is better in only one area the other 2 aren't. I have a JMP number, and would eventually like to move everybody to that number instead of my Google Voice number but I like sending text messages via my email client, and I like the ability of calling people from my desktop, and absolutely none of desktop #XMPP clients for Windows are screen reader accessible except for Miranda IM. I tried to get MicroSip to work on JMP for phone calls and nothing! Miranda NG is accessible but can't call out/dial cell phones. #JMP #Apple
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.