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proprietary fonts are so funny
"if I pay you money, I can use this font for stuff, right?"
"no. absolutely not."

I can promise you that the feelings of isolation and abandonment you'll feel after all your friends dump you for having Long COVID will be much, much worse than the feelings of isolation and abandonment you will feel from masking to prevent developing Long COVID.

We're in an age where important video and audio online may be deleted without warning and without any ability to find it elsewhere. There's a very useful tool which lets you store an offline copy of video and audio called YT-DLP:

I don't normally like command line tools, but this is pretty easy to use. After you've installed it, you just type yt-dlp and then the URL of the video or audio, then it saves it as a DRM-free file on your computer.

It works with a variety of different video and audio platforms.

(This replaces an earlier tool called yt-dl which is no longer maintained.)


hey fedi :)

i want to put some 88x31 buttons on my website (, do you have any that i should add? perhaps your own or a cool one or a page where i can take some from (hyperlinked of course!)

​:boost:​ welcome!

the gaming industry in France is on strike. they’ve released a bundle on itch to support striking developers! ten bucks gets you 57 items. Def worth talking a look.

they are currently at 130% funded!

#gaming #gameindustry #unions

gaming, spicy opinion 

I feel like the 'management game' genre is severely held back by the capitalist assumptions that people make, like always centering around 'money' or 'material resources' as the metrics to optimize for.

You could get such more dynamic gameplay if you focused on (balancing) complex and realistic needs of people instead of just optimizing for 'number go up'.

Imagine a management game where you build up and maintain a variety of public city infrastructure (like street furniture and public toilets), having to account for the varying and sometimes conflicting needs of different demographics, with 'budget' only playing a marginal role.

Wouldn't that be way more interesting than yet another 'build a shop with shelves' tycoon game?

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Also, what's up with PlayWay seemingly publishing anything with a pulse?

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Fucking spat my tea, how did the postman whip out his phone to immediately play the bagpipes as soon as he saw a scottish destination on a parcel to go 😭

Well? It is back!!
Thanks to @internetarchive indexing it back in 2000 I was able to extract the interface and point it to the DB Navigator API

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Also, I wish such games would experiment with novel research systems more! Surely more interesting things are possible than "provide resources, wait, ta-da, scientific discovery"?

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What is it with so many of the first-person simulation games feeling terrible to control?

gaming, frustration 

I have an annoying conundrum when playing base-builder-style games.

When playing in sandbox mode, I enjoy the building flexibility, but it all starts feeling meaningless because there is no failure condition at all.

When playing in 'challenge' mode, I enjoy that there is a challenge to meet, but I get frustrated by my building plans being interrupted by stuff like "being just barely short on resources/funds".

I wish more games had something inbetween the two, that provides purpose to the building, but also makes it low-friction.

IDK it's just really neat to me that something that started out seeming like a chore I had to do for other people ended up benefiting *me* so much. Even informing the rest of my work.

I think things work like this more often than we think.

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I genuinely do not understand how one can build such a broken system and remain in business, and it's all the more baffling considering how *old* MapQuest is and how they used to be a major provider of map data for mapping and navigation software!

(Their data in the US is a little better, but not by much)

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I worry that when we say "nothing can be objective" some people take it to mean "it's not worth trying to be objective"

Taking the best objective stance you can is massively useful. It forces you to not just think about what you are thinking and seeing but what other people may think and see. And to look for, in the intersection of all of those perspectives, what is really *there.*

It's because nothing can ever be perfectly objective that's it's all the more important to make this effort.

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Also it feels like they got their satellite imagery from a dollar store; there are visible seams between every 'tile', clearly no stitching having been done, and there's horrible JPEG compression everywhere, as if they saved it in like 50% quality

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I thought I'd seen a lot of awful and broken websites, and then I learned about MapQuest

racism, cultural appropriation, news 

so a russian designer brand company "yaka" decided to create a line of clothing inspired by Kyrgyz patterns, ornaments and art, and then proceeded to add a COPYRIGHT CLAIM on said patterns, ornaments, and art, and threaten anybody who might "copy" said designs with legal action.

the brand hasn't yet responded to the backlash, but brand owner, Anna Obydenova locked up her social media accounts.

so fucking done with white russians.

☝️ refining ask: looking for feedback from anyone with experience using:
•Libera pay (new to me)
•features on self hosted WordPress
•any other good platforms not on my radar
More concerned about the logistics and convenience v hassle, fees etc.
Not focused on content or community building on new platforms, more looking for easy ways for folks to throw a lil cash my way when they're feeling it. Path o least resistance, for them and for my own cog.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.