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I will give a talk about Perl, Fortran, Uxntal and Fractran at #FluConf.

It's called "A tale of two compilers"

The whole "immigrants are important for the economy and will do the jobs you don't want to do" line of reasoning is a completely dehumanising capitalist approach. Our value as human beings should not determined by our economic output.

You know people who join a Matrix or Discord channel, then after a few seconds ask, "is this place dead?" and leave without waiting for an answer? Or they say "hi" first, you greet them back, but they already left.

When I got online, #netiquette guides for IRC made sure to point out that people idle in the channels a lot, so if they fail to notice you, *say something first*. Preferably what you came to ask.

Now teaching people how to behave is considered rude. Enjoy the results.

Friendly reminder: On mastodon/etc, Likes (aka Favorites) aren't what they are on other social networks. Around here:

Boost = "I like this, and think others might like it too!"
Favorite = "I like this, but that's between me and OP"

Without an "algorithm" choosing what to show you, we rely on our neighbors and follows to boost cool stuff.

most graffiti in video game cities sucks because nobody actually lives in those cities. real world graffiti is a million people making their weird little marks on the world. when a game tries to invoke that for atmosphere what almost always happens instead is the tags betray how shallow the world building is, because they only depict statements made by non-existent people who had nothing to say

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oh also my friend's lazer tag arena (rip) did a great job of this, which I'll count as another positive example even though it wasn't a video game. it's so easy you just hire a bunch of actual graffiti artists to go hog wild on your levels

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@vyr when Valve finally clench their fist, the outpouring of who-could-possibly-have-predicted anguish is going to make the Internet uninhabitable for months

The modern gregorian calendar that is used by most of the world uses seven day weeks and introduces an extra leap day on years divisible by four unless they are also multiples of 100.

Consequently, there are only seven possible calendars for regular years, and seven more for leap years, which makes it possible to reuse calendars from previous years.

I was thinking about this recently, and did a quick search which led me to a website which indicates when a given year's calendar can be reused:

It probably won't have much of a meaningful impact on climate change to reuse your calendars, but I think it's a neat idea, and I like that someone cared enough about it to make a website.


I just rejoiced in finding @TeenVogue on here, as I remember grimly/fondly it was one of few news outlets we could trust when the orange man became president the first time. (Just scroll down the timeline and you’ll see they’re not shying away from anything. Still on it, hurrah.)


fascism is capitaism's survival mechanism. it kicks in when people start to wake up to its horrors and rebel. cronies and oligarchs know they're in danger, so they go full authoritarian and fascist. to divide the masses by sowing bigotry but also to purge everyone who dares to speak out.

once the deed is done, the fascist regime may even leave power out of its own volition, and the capitalist one would follow. only this time there would be no opposition. cuz they're all dead.

Not sure if it's me, a Firefox add-on, or the Europarl website, but the audio catpcha option to register doesn't work for me.

#EU #a11y

Revolut is specifically banning GrapheneOS by checking for the build machine hostname and username being set to grapheneos. We've changed these to build-host and build-user. Combined with another change, this allow our users to log in to it again until they roll out Play Integrity API enforcement.

Hoe vaak moet ik nog verhalen lezen van bewoners die fel tegen de komst van een AZC waren, maar toen het AZC er eenmaal was, zagen dat een AZC helemaal geen probleem is?
Asielzoekers zijn gewoon mensen en mensen moet je beoordelen zoals ze zijn en niet op basis van hoe je denkt dat ze zijn.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

graffiti in video games almost always completely lacks the panache of real world graffiti, but if I were a graffiti artist I'd be tempted to copy some of the really baffling tags from games sometimes for irony. like hell yeah let's just write the word "crime" on the side of a real building in extremely clear bubble text lol

mental health 

@mynameistillian it's premium grade copium for other miserable people to feel less miserable about themselves by pretending that telling you "[your] trauma made you better" is somehow gonna absolve them of their own, or make said thing true for themself.

They do it bc they're uncomfortable and don't wanna accept that you've been hurt this badly. Instead of sitting in that discomfort and questioning why their first reaction is to dismiss you instead of say "I'm sorry", they give excuses to justify suffering instead.

I'm sorry not enough people have told you they're sorry it all happened to you, and that it never should have in the first place.

mental health 

i am tired of these ideas. how many times do i have to say it? SUFFERING IS NOT GOOD. SUFFERING IS NOT NEEDED. IT'S NOT NECESSARY NOR IS IT GOOD.

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mental health 

"pain makes you appreciate pleasure more" all it did is make me feel suspicious of pleasure and gravely afraid of experiencing pain and stress ever again to the point of sending me into a panic attack. yall need to rehash your ideas

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