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uspol, autism 

prob preaching to the choir a bit but it makes my blood boil seeing neurotypicals use autism only as a cover for ghoul behavior and never anything else, like the response to that should be “why don’t hiring managers ever think that about someone not making eye contact, why is it only about being a literal nazi”?

Ok folks! Introducing a new tag in the #hopepunk vein:

#spoonieTown as a place to dream about what life would be like in an area and culture of rest and care and chill. The Slow Down and Heal refuge from the FAFO world.

Let's hear your spoonie town dreams, big and small.

[edit: hey trunkies, can ya'll comment on the #spoonieTown tag and not @ me, my mentions are swamped 🤯 Danka! ]

nazi, uspol 

Hitler was right on one thing: he thought Göring was a loser. A pathetic guy clinging to Hitlers power thinking he’s super smart and secretly better than him. Elon is a lot like Göring, in many ways, but definitely in the pathetic loser way. Trump, like Hitler, has probably already figured this out as well.

Now's a good reminder: Unsub from Spotify. Your subscription doesn't pay the artists, it pays for Joe Rogan's podcast.

getting upset at bad pop-psy advice 

"I've found this works for me": boring, subjective, implies you have to try stuff, invites community discussion (booo)

neuropsychology technobabble: sage, exciting, objective, shareable™, nobody understands what you're saying so you're automatically correct

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getting upset at bad pop-psy advice 

easiest way to detect pop-psy bullshit is always the way they mention neurotransmitters in a way that implies we had any idea what they did. What's dopamine do? who tf knows. it's "involved" in a lot of things. people who study it for a living can't even agree on half of it. I'm sure the detailed advice you're gonna give me based on your pet theory of how it works is going to be great though.

Depending on your job you probably have in the past made compromises. Maybe to keep your job. Maybe to survive. This is a bright line. If you are asked to be the one to update the table don't let it be your fingers typing those changes.

If you can't just say "No I won't do that." Stall, run away, feign incompetence. Just don't let it happen.

I suspect this might be where the rubber hits the road first for us around here.

Nothing has changed. You do not have to do it. It is not even ordained.

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Reminder, people will still read your posts, if it's a subjct they want to read about, even if it has CWs on it!

It's a great feature to let people participate in this community while also protecting themselves and each other.

If you want to read more about it, I've written an article about Content Warnings on Mastodon here:

Walking down the street on a sunny day and seeing my shadow with pointy ears and a muzzle is one of the most θΔ things possible, I love it

SOLVED! (Updates at the bottom of this post.)

I need a bit of assistance from the #Linux, #Homelab, and #SysAdmin folks out there.

I have a managed switch that's divided up into two different VLANs, one of them is completely excluded from having internet access (internal network) but I want to be able to access it externally using a VPN. Is there an easy way for me to setup a Raspberry Pi or similar device on the internal network?

I'm having trouble getting a Linux server setup to use 2 different VLANs so that's half of my problem.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated, even if it's completely different from what I'm looking for. 🙂

EDIT: So many awesome replies! I think I have a few ideas that I can try out and see what works best for me. Thanks!!!

SOLUTION: After reviewing the different replies one of them pointed me in the right direction to properly understanding the pieces I was missing. I was able to get the VLANs working correctly in AlmaLinux (one of my servers) and then create a bridge interface to pass to some of my Linux KVM guests to use them as a jumpbox into the other internal network. This saves me from having to make a 45 minute drive to add or change any hardware. 🥳

the frog! the frog! the frog!

okay this was one of the most beautiful moments i've ever experienced. top ten memory right here. i was having a terrible start to this year, just felt like total dog shit. i was unemployed and listless. i could just barely get myself out the door to go take pictures. and i am so glad i did.

i walked into the nature preserve and immediately was hit with this sound that i couldn't identify. took me a few moments to register that they were probably frogs and i needed to go find them immediately. on my way rushing to the pond i passed a woman who was like "do you hear the chorus frogs??" and i was like "yes!! where are they??". She apparently had just gotten done teaching a class out there and told me where to find them.

As i approached the pond, the sound was nearly too much. They were so loud!! It sounded like i was absolutely surrounded by hundreds of frogs all singing. The strangest part was that despite there sounding like endless numbers of them i could not for the life of me locate one of them!

Took me a bit of hunting but finally i started to see them amongst the duckweed. Just tiny little orbs croaking their tiny little hearts out. i was just absolutely overwhelmed with the emotions of experiencing something so beautiful and perfect. such a new and unique experience. something that made suffering through all the shit utterly worth it. there will always be more frogs to see for the first time. there are so many more experiences to have. there are people to love and animals to wonder about. ill be thinking about these frogs for the rest of my life.

this was one of the funniest pictures i took in 2024. this squirrel was just being so funny this day. i watched them climb up into this old plant stand thing thinking they'd just stand on it or jump from it or whatever but then they settled in for quick little rest. i couldn't believe it. guess it was just nap time!

*urgent* trans atpol 

If you have Austrian citicenship and consider changing your gender marker, do it NOW. There will probably be a period where this won't be possible.

Dan's Online Community Management Thread part who-the-hell knows: if you read this article from @Omisspearl and think "That's not really relevant to your website moderation thread Dan, the author's talking about in-person kinky meetups," well you'd be half-right because online stuff is very different to in-person stuff (availability of receipts always makes online stuff easier), but regardless, you should read it for the detailed examination of how abusers find attackable surfaces.

Hell, you should probably give it a look even if you're not involved in community moderation at all. Recognizing these patterns can help you spot abuse that might be happening to you or someone else. Abusers are sneaky.

(edit: re-read my post and went "Dan, did you actually mention anywhere in your post that this article was good?" Well hell apparently I did not. ✨this is a good article✨)

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