It's 2026 and you wonder what your friends are up to. You tell the app on your phone to go and get everyone's most recent news. Jim's phone takes a sec to load because his wifi is crap in the garden, and Alex's phone takes a sec to load because their wifi is crap in the workshop, but nobody times out.
You don't worry when your friends time out. You're not one of those Worrying People who panic when they open the app and their friend's phone fails to respond to the ping, you figure they're just, y'know, in the garden or going through a tunnel or something.
Jim is of course posting hole. You comment "Nice hole Jim," and that comment goes straight from your phone to Jim's. Your phone saves a copy as well because it deliberately doesn't know the difference between a four-paragraph furnace repair guide and "Nice hole Jim" and it makes a local backup of anything you type, in case Jim drops his phone down the hole and doesn't notice until he's planted a tree on top of it. Everyone still teases him about that, and he jokes along with them because it was pretty funny. The tree has its own account now.
You scroll through today's posts, mostly goodmornings and fantastical lies about all the stuff your friends are gonna get done today. All these posts were downloaded from people's phones when you opened the app a minute ago. You reach the end of today's posts (the first one of course was Jenna and her early-bird nonsense) and that's it, nothing more to see, you're up to date on what your friends are up to. You're not ready to go back to Actually Doing Something With Your Life so you move your thumb over the Yesterday button, but before you can tap, a mitherbox pops up to tell you that Alex is posting shaft.
Your thumbs do a happy dance and "Nice shaft Alex" is sent directly from your phone to theirs, without needing the permission of any weird billionaires sitting in between, a connection as direct as a phone call, not that you're thinking about that, you're thinking about Alex's shaft. Apparently they've been polishing their shaft all morning and they're almost ready to give it some lube and stick it in. That car's gonna be Gorgeous when they finally finish it.
Anyway that's it now, you're all caught up. You didn't see any ads (why would you? All this is stored on your friends' phones' SD cards and sent over their wifi, they're the ones paying the 0.0001p to respond to your phone's "What's new" request) and everything was shown in chronological order (there are alternative apps that mess with your timeline ordering but nobody uses those because they're shit) and you've read the whole day and you're done. You put your phone away and start getting dressed.
As your coffee brews you check your friends app again and Jen the birdwatcher wants to show everyone her tits
~~~edit: this post turned into a thread, and mastodon's thread handling has been broken for years; when the thread appears to stop abruptly, click on the date in the post to see more of the thread~~~
Sounds like the right stance to me for anyone who cares about the human beings out there and about free-software-for-freedom:
I think non-writers (and a lot of writers, too) want to hear about a beautiful experience that inspired the book, or me getting stuck until genius strikes, or the music playlists I meticulously craft.
But I don't do any of that. Read a lot, write a lot, come up with something (anything, really!) and show up until the book is done.
This is not romantic, but it's practical because it works for me.
Update 1:
I have really dreaded making this post, because this is a giant ask and also because I am scared shitless
but...I might need a place to stay, for a few weeks, somewhere around Düsseldorf or Neuss (Germany, NRW)
I don't yet know how many weeks, if not months, I've been struggling to find a job that won't either require an expensive drivers license or wants to rip me off for the lowest pay (from which I couldn't fund a home anyways)
The original plan (a long time ago by now) was to just stay at my parents and move in with a friend this summer (so, 2025), but since I've ran from that place I've been hopping back and forth
One of those friends I've been hopping back and forth with has effectively said they won't take me anymore, leaving me at another friend, which is living in a sort of social housing (kind of...) that gets weekly checkups where I basically have to leave and hide for ~30-60 minutes to not get caught. I wish I was joking.
All other options I have had, including my mum (whereas previously I lived at my stepmum+dad) and some other friends I've asked all can't take me either. Mum got issues with their landlord and could not really provide food, everyone else still lives at their parents.
So, I guess as my biggest ask so far, and pretty much the only hope I have left, I am asking for anyone nearby to please give me a place to live for god knows how long. I don't even know anymore.
if you need anything else explained, just ask here or DM me
#fluConf2025 will feature a track on Luddism, and we're still looking for submissions.
We want to hear from people that are talking or writing about the deliberate use of technology, resistance to the dominant narratives in tech hype cycles, analysis of the strategies employed by venture capitalists and their distorting effects on society, activism against extractive and exploitative technologies, sabotage of algorithmic systems, and whatever else Luddism means to you.
Apply up until midnight of January 19th, 2025 (anywhere on Earth)
#luddism #workingClass #laborHistory #sabotage #classWar #resist #AI #directAction #algorithm #capitalism #hyperCapitalism #enshittification #butlerianJihad
@joepie91 two origins: the car lobby and the general pettiness and bias of the average Dutch person against anything they perceive as cheating or lazy or not suffering like they’ve suffered
PSA: if you're on a mega-instance like and want to move to a better instance but you don't want to leave your history behind, I will personally help you run my SQL script that loads your account export into a gotosocial database
Yes, it actually happened
A friend showed me Punch-Out!! (NES) last Friday, and while it's not really my jam, there's a little detail I've been thinking about a lot where when you knock out the first guy he spins around and falls over, but there's this part of the animation where he pauses in a funny position for a moment and the sound makes it feel like he's rapidly spinning two or three times around that point and the effect is so well executed you feel it even if you focus on how he's not actually moving.
I bet we could do some really awesome stuff if sound design, graphics, and animation were that tightly integrated in games today. Hard for large studios to do that without interdisciplinary departments though, but smaller studios could clean house here. I think it's a mistake to treat treating graphics as this super advanced thing that carries stands alone, but alas the industry is broadly still under the tyranny of 90s magazine ad thinking.
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.