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Moving off Meta 

I've resigned to accepting that I must simply be a grandma with an address book, writing letters and sending them off via carrier pigeon in order to stay in contact with human beings in the digital age.

In effort to salvage what connections I can from Meta before fully deleting it all, I've been begrudgingly spending all my free time porting contact info/birthdays/etc from FB and into my own contacts. I am ALARMED at how few phone numbers or e-mail addresses I actually have for people, even family. There's a clear line in 2010 where I just stopped asking for phone numbers and did all communication on apps. I was really out there meeting up with old friends I'd reconnected with on FB, and not once even exchanging a phone number!

So anyway, let this be your reminder not to let your connections with people hinge on one app. Make an effort to actually gather direct contact details for people that are important to you, in a safe place that can't be nuked at the whims of CEOs (or beefing instance admins).

Pondering whether Codes of Conduct should just include a line saying "don't do any of the things mentioned in that CIA sabotage manual"

There's a type of reply-guy that crawls out of the woodwork when I post anything that might inspire others to take action, and they're deceptively insidious.

Regardless of the topic, they sound like this:

Alice: I don't own a gun because they're for killing and I'm not a fan of killing.
Bob: Then only the bad guys will have guns.

Alice: I deleted my Facebook account.
Bob: If the good people leave then the bad guys win.

Alice: I'm openly queer so others know they're not alone.
Bob: You'll make yourself a target.

In every instance, they defend the shitty state of things by discouraging action and change. It's a reply that is designed to support the default, the current power structure. It's a type of reply meant to de-fang movements.

I've posted about this before, but apparently it bears repeating. Fighting for something takes energy. Change takes sustained energy and momentum. These types of interactions sap energy. They're not posting anything openly disagreeable, they're just dropping little doubt caltrops, little concern anchors—making it harder to keep fighting, harder to gain momentum.

If you're about to jump into a thread and concern troll, don't. I'm fucking sick of it. The rest of us don't have the time or energy to drag your dead weight along.

#ReplyGuys #Concern #Trolling #Change

Hoe vaak moet een theemok vervangen/gewassen worden?


I have an html question, for pictures will the “title” tag that gives alt on mouse hover also work for screen readers? Or do I also need the “alt” tag. On my website I added both since I wasn’t sure but I am curious if I actually need both

Whenever people tell me to 'have more reasonable expectations from people', by which they really mean "don't expect more from people than others do", I can't help but think...

Look at the world around you. Does it really look like a desirable outcome to you? How 'reasonable' is the standard set of expectations really, if this is what it results in? Why *aren't you* setting higher expectations from your peers?


Het doet denken aan het begin van de pandemie toen Nederland zei dat toestanden zoals in Italië in Nederland niet waarschijnlijk waren.

People who use albuterol rescue inhalers, have you noticed a dip in effectiveness over the last year or so? I thought it was just me but been talking to some coworkers and they're having that experience too

fine people of the internet: I want to purchase a pair of speakers that can adequately render the entire range of a full sized piano that I can set up on or near my full sized piano for comfortable listening to my full sized piano in a normal living room sized space and I'd like to hear the bass end with some reasonable clarity *without* it being The Earthquake Machine that causes my upstairs neighbor who is the condo board president to pass new "bylaws"

anyone got any recommendations?

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I haven't told anyone about this yet, so let's go: Last fall, attorney's working for a certain social media company we will call "Schmeta" reached out to me asking for help with a copyright suit specifically because I was an academic who is also an 'expert' with Blender. 🧵


This page shows various amounts of wealth shown to scale, in visual form.

If you think you can imagine it without clicking, even somewhat, I dare you to verify that yourself.

I’d like to know about the cost of clothes in the absence of globalization. I think the answer would start with a small herd of sheep, the salary of the herder (let’s assume living salaries for all involved!), the amount of wool produced, washing, spinning, weaving (or other techniques), cutting, sewing, etc. how many hours for each step? I’d also like to see pictures of all the steps involved. The only semi-non-industrial pullovers I remember were the Icelandic sheep wool pullovers of my youth. I was born in Iceland so my parents and some and wore them for many winters.

How long do you steep your tea? 🍵

Nou, daar gaan we weer hoor. Het RIVM begint de ontmoedigingscampagne alvast.

"Draag een mondkapje op drukke plekken: dat advies krijgen Belgen met luchtwegklachten. De Belgische regering kondigde donderdag code oranje af. Toch is zo'n advies hier niet nodig, volgens het RIVM. "Hier is geen epidemie", vertelt een woordvoerder."

Blijkbaar willen ze graag dat er wel eentje komt?

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.