I must admit, my patience for people who can't bring themselves to divest even a little from fascist and fascist sympathising platforms is just getting less over the years. The options have never been stronger and at some point it's on you.
a reminder to US folks that you can see how much your doctor has been bribed at https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov
uspol (+ international), Facebook
So Zuckerberg has basically just said "we're gonna do whatever Trump wants", and has started explicitly allowing hate speech in the most recent policy change.
I would like everyone who insisted that Facebook "isn't that bad" and "is working on improving things", to explain to me exactly how this fits into that.
If you are planning to attend the event, please do make sure you're vaccinated, mask up, take rapid tests.
Most importantly, if you have any suspicion that you are starting to get sick do not hesitate to skip the day's talks and stay home. It is unlikely that any of the talks will be good enough to justify spreading covid and any of the other pathogens that tend to spread during this season.
@time_for_kindness A note for men who think "I couldn't help her because she'd think I was a creep too": you can absolutely help her. You go up to the dude and say something along the lines of "hey man, great to see you again - didn't we meet at that conference (party, concert, etc)? The one with whats-his-face?" and get him talking to you instead of to her. And if he follows her anyway, then you start in on "hey man, I don't think she wants to talk to you - leave her alone”.
The term passing comes from Black folk and it's a term describing an aspect of Colorism, which is an aspect of Racism, and if you are talking about passing at all–despite the weirdly appropriated usage of the term–fucking ALL of that pertains directly to you in a very real and substantive way on many axes.
Black folk interacting with whiteness encounter "passing" because effectively passing means "A close enough proximity to whiteness to be protected by the same structures that protect white people."
White trans people "passing," especially white trans WOMEN, is not about "looking like a woman" because there are plenty of Black, AAPI, and other women who get misgendered all the time. It's about "looking like a northern European construct of womanhood."
That's meaningful. And Black writers, especially Black WOMEN writers, have written about this for generations, because we live within that context.
military contractors, software governance, NixOS, Rust
This is a really excellent read - @cafkafk going out to Eurorust to essentially investigate the military contractor Helsing and their footing in the Rust community, to determine the impact of such contractors on FOSS communities.
AI, mental health/self-worth (+)
The underlying message behind imagegen models "democratizing" art is that your art isn't good enough right now.
It is good enough. Fuck them, don't let them badmouth the things you make. Who tf do they think they are! The things you make are fkn cool. >:3
I want to see the things you make. I don't want to see a corporate image of your ideas. I want to see your fingerprints.
AI, mental health/self-worth (+)
You live inside of a society that is aggressively trying to turn you into a number and file off every piece of your personality that makes you unique.
Don't use a machine that helps them do that. Put more fingerprints on things, not less.
If you draw something and the proportions are wrong, who the fuck cares? They're still your proportions, I love that you drew them that way.
AI, mental health/self-worth (+)
Even in the (very rare) cases where it's not obvious - I don't know, it's like.. the whole point of this is that when you make something, and when you're involved in making something, you leave your fingerprints on it, and that's why it's special.
And so much of the world right now is shitty brands and soulless corporate nonsense and pointless *stuff* that's designed to whistle past you so you barely notice it.
Making something that reflects you is worth it.
AI, mental health/self-worth (+)
I know some furries fall back on AI because they worry about art skill, and the thing about AI is that it's not bad because you're "shortcutting" art, it's bad because it defeats the purpose of art.
The point of art is communicative. It says something about you. It shares an idea in a way that words can't.
Your crappiest artwork is already enough if it does that. Fuck gatekeeping, be proud of the things you draw.
Did you know: the reason you can't seem to buy a laptop with more than 100Wh battery capacity, is that 100Wh is the maximum battery capacity permitted by various air travel regulations and so every manufacturer sets this as a hard design limit for all of their models regardless of whether the laptop will ever actually be brought onto a plane or not
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.