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Kinda feels like it's time to pull this one out again.

Some days, you just want to sit on a post and scream.

#birds #birding #BirdPhotography #nature

Does anyone know of an #OpenAccess full-text #PDF #search engine/tool using which I can search for relevant PDFs from a self-hosted #database?

Context: we have a curated database of #research articles but so far our search capability has been limited to tagged keywords or title and abstract field search only. We'd like to be able to search the entire PDF.

Side note: I know that PDFs are not a great way to store scientific information. I'd prefer not to use a proprietary #LLM if possible

#LexicalSearch #SemanticSearch #AskAcademia #academia #science #sciences #ScienceMastodon #AskFedi #OpenScience

Squatnet: **Amsterdam: Frederiksplein 52 gekraakt**

"Op 30 dec 2024 is het Frederiksplein 52 gekraakt. Sindsdien wordt het gebouw bewoond door een woongroep. In de benedenverdieping is een sociaal centrum geopend. In deze ruimte kunnen mensen samenkomen om van elkaar te leren, dingen te maken en te organiseren op een autonome en sociale manier, zonder winstoogmerk. De nadruk zal liggen op […]"

#anarchisme #bot

Nou. Blijkbaar verkoopt de Kruidvat geen mondkapjes meer. Lekkere drogist ben je dan.

Does anyone here have opinions about befriending crows? Whether this is a good or a bad thing, whether there are any particular risks or problems associated with it, etc.?

I've been working on resurrecting a 20-year-old social media concept and it only just dawned on me that the vast majority of people on the internet today, even those older than me, will have never seen this concept and so it will be brand new to them

:Trek: opinions 

I think what I want from Star Trek that's been missing since like Voyager is a little bit more time doing the work of establishing that the Star Trek future is good and a future we'd all want

And a little bit less emphasis on assuming we already have that in mind and subverting it

roses are sepia
violets are sepia
everything is sepia

someone is messing with the camera filters again

type of guy 

Interprets every single direct criticism of their views as a direct personal challenge and affront of their character... even when they weren't even the one being talked about

type of guy 

Absolutely refuses to consider the needs or experiences of someone who doesn't look like them, even if it wouldn't cost them anything to do so, and insists on being Objectively Correct solely because their claims align with their own experiences and beliefs

Most of us are struggling financially rn, it isn't your fault.

days since the ladybird browser was recommended by someone who clearly didn't pay attention: 0

*rots in its bed for the first 7 hours of its day, procrastinating on taking any medication*
"life only consists of eternal depression and there is no saving for such a pathetic broken being as me"

alina after the ADHD meds finally hit: nyoooooooom

technology rant 

@elilla Reminds me of this powerful kunstbüro poster I saw at GPN. It was for an artist talk by @charlotteeifler titled <<IMAGINE ALL TECH IS MADE BY PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU>>

Didn't see the talk, but that poster stuck with me. Just imagine.

I don't necessarily disagree that phones might be harmful for kids' development.

I just don't know if they're nearly as harmful as say, repeated covid infections, a collapsing biosphere, a justifiably bleak vision of their future, or even a prevalent lack of agency, independence, and spaces for socialisation.

I'd focus on those first. Then phones.

delivery options in the UK:

UPS: our drivers are wearing shorts 365 days of the year. this magically results in packages arriving. we're not sure how this works either.

Royal Mail: is it a letter? we're good at letters. haven't quite got the hang of boxes though.

Yodel: we thought about delivering it and it's the thought that counts.

Evri, wearing a fake moustache and a t-shirt that says "totally not Hermes": your package has been thrown in a bush just off the M6. fuck you.

A while ago, Aldi in NL recalled some cutlery set due to "having sharp edges which can result in injury".

Like, I understand what they were going for there, but I think they could've phrased the problem a little more clearly :blobcatupsidedown:

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