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My favorite speedrun-related exploit would have to be in the puzzle platformer Forward to The Sky.

It was discovered shortly after the game's release that there is an undocumented speed button. Presumably used for level testing, if you hold the Z key whole moving forward then you will walk noticeably faster.

The game also defaults to WASD, but keeps the same key positions if you change keyboard layout, except that the speed button stays as Z. When you change your keyboard from QWERTY to AZERTY, the "walk forward" button is then double bound with the speed button, making you passively move a lot faster. It is now commonly understood that, if you want to speedrun Forward To The Sky, you have to use AZERTY to be competitive.

This makes Forward To The Sky the only sport other than fencing where being French gives you an unfair competitive advantage.

retitling the tab “new years resolutions” to “KPIs”

Need a primer on finding community in the pacific northwest as a black enby.

I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!

Seriously though, I've been impressed at how put off the locals are when I actually start talking, in most instances. Though, there does seem to be a group of folks that I connect with; I just have no idea where to find them outside of saying hullo in the supermarket.

@theresnotime curl -H 'Accept-Encoding: text/infodump ' -H 'Accept-Content-Length: unlimited'

@aeva old arcade games were the same way, but were typically always left powered on. There’s an episode of Seinfeld where one of the guys finds an old Frogger cabinet that still has his high score from back in the day. He tries to buy the cabinet and hilarity ensues.

I've written a tutorial of sorts, showing how to write a streaming XML sitemap scraper using Promistreams!

Promistreams are now officially in beta! :boost_requested: (Which mostly just means I have added a little infobox at the top of the page :blobcatgiggle: )

Basically, they're streams for that are actually nice to work with, have first-class Promise support, handle errors correctly, handle concurrency reliably, interoperate with other stream implementations, and just generally make more sense than Node streams.

You can use them for streaming data, but also for things like task queues or distribution patterns. They can work in any JS environment, and are not limited to Node.js. More documentation will become available soon (especially for more complex cases), but the basic stuff is already explained at the link.

Please give them a try and let me know how it went, and whether you ran into any issues!

matrix spec venting 

Just saw a comment from an SCT member that pretty much confirms what I have long suspected: the intended model of the MSC process and the SCT is "you, the community, make appeals to the SCT and their interests for your feature to be accepted", and not the "you, the community, collectively decide the future of Matrix" that is often implied in its presentation as a 'community project'

A reminder that there are good guys out there. @dnalounge, a nightclub in San Francisco, shows this to its attendees every 15 seconds or so.

abusive behaviour, on a meta level 

Mentioning this for no particular reason: gaslighting doesn't happen accidentally. It's something that requires intention and understanding to pull off.

It *can* be a learned defensive response, it can even be driven by trauma, but it's not something unintentional.

I stand by my contention that we shall know when we have created actual, sentient artificial intelligence when it is capable of telling us, "No."

What we have is an ecology-wrecking plagiarism machine, a glorified autocorrect serving the purpose of eternal war in Orwell's 1984--to consume.

I will take Synapse seriously when it stops spontaneously taking 7 full minutes to send a message.

I'm sad about not being at . Not because of regret for not going, not because it's far away, not because it's expensive, or because tickets are hard to get and I didn't get one.

No, my reason for being sad is that it absolutely would have been possible for me to go, if it hadn't been for being socially excluded because orga couldn't be bothered to take even the most minimal air quality and/or public health precautions, turning it from a rare enjoyable social event into a direct risk to my life.

Co2 levels in Hall H are 1500ppm #38c3 This is low enough oxygen to affect your thinking. Please keep this in mind and get some fresh air once in a while.

remember, united we are strong ❤️

Trans people in the UK, France, Germany, Eastern Europe, North America, Brazil, Taiwan, India, Russia, Australia, North Africa, South Africa, New Zealand- more places every day- are thinking and talking about ourselves in similar terms, and making similar demands. This has never happened before. Moreover, cis people are slowly realising they are cis. We really have reached a “tipping point,” no doubt in part thanks to the internet. The bodily autonomy of trans people is bound up with the bodily autonomy of all people, particularly cis women who have also suffered for far too long under the paternalistic medicalising gaze. That’s why I think the Colonel Korns of this world are doomed to fail: they are trying to do medicine and management on a civil rights movement.

Abigail Thorn

I feel desperately sad when thinking about all the non-technical people with nobody to help them. This industry is making them feel stupid and frustrated, purely for profit reasons.

Don't build dark patterns into your UX. Refuse. Complain. Call them out. You're actively hurting people in the world.

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We've received the first few submissions for #fluConf2025 and are looking forward to seeing even more!

With that in mind, some people reported having trouble finding the link to the application form, so it is now styled as a big button on the home page.

We've also added a navigation header with some important links to the top of the page:

Fuck it, we can call them all out - please collect the worst consumer electronics UX nightmares you see this Christmas and send them over. Take photos, videos, describe it -

I'll shove them all on a website and try to embarrass companies into fixing them.

Press friends: I shall be in touch

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.