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Time for the - I guess yearly by this point... - toot again:

No, I will not be at . I *could* have squeezed it into my schedule despite an upcoming transplantation, but they have *once again* failed to implement any COVID safety measures.

A few days of Congress is not worth the risk of brain damage or (in my case) severe illness or death.

If you want to see me at your event, push for appropriate safety precautions like sufficient ventilation/filtering and (particularly where that is not possible) mask distribution and ideally masking requirements.

cycled past Imperial College London this evening, and they've rebranded to look like a defense contractor. it looks terrible

sending lots of hugs and love to everyone feeling that normative holiday squeeze 🫂

remember that the holidays are hard for a lot of folks. there's nothing wrong or weird with not feeling like you fit into things you dont want to be doing. if everyone else is enjoying doing stuff you dont like or are actively opposed to, that isn't a reflection on you. hold true to your values. let them define you.

if anything, its wrong to make people fit into situations they dont want to be in!

well anyway. i hope you ar least get to eat something yummy.

to clarify — most of Kazakhstan celebrates new year instead. its aesthetically the same as christmas. we too put up a spruce tree with shiny balls and have a red boomer come home and shower us with gifts. we just don't do that on the birthday of The Dude Who Came Back

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I've written a tutorial of sorts, showing how to write a streaming XML sitemap scraper using Promistreams!

@joepie91 "if you disagree then you can just fork it" is a response that you'd only get from a developer to shut down genuine complaints often made by users who are themselves not developers and never will be developers.

It's a callous cop-out at best and a refusal to acknowledge and address poor design or critically missing features at worst.

I've worked with a bunch of game engines over the years. so far Godot + GDScript is genuinely a lot of fun to work with, it brings back that "small but powerful framework" vibe. Has many quirks and odd decisions (most I probably haven't even encountered yet), but yes, it's fun to work.

Wealthy Americans every Christmas: *watching endless adaptions of a moral fable by a Victorian social critic about how the rich stop the poor from affording necessary healthcare, so that their children die, and how this also damns the rich*

OH "Wait, the bus is now more luxurious than my car? I don't have individual seat heating in my car!"

It occurs to me that this is rarely said out loud, but it probably should be:

The ability to fork open-source software is important, *but* the idea of "if you disagree then you can just fork it" is basically a lie. It has never worked that way and it will never work that way.

In reality you're dealing with project governance and so there are a lot of social factors (community support, motivation to 'compete' with the established name, etc.) that are critical to not having a fork wither on the vine.

And it's very difficult to pull that off, and usually requires a long history of growing resentment about the leadership of the forked project. This means a fork is rarely the best solution.

Maybe we should stop calling them *Notifications* and instead refer to *Interruptions*.

"Working on some stuff so I've turned off interruptions for a while."

"Right on."

vaguely spicy take 

People joke about "expensing hacker events as work trips" but actually I think that's genuinely a reasonable thing to do, even under the 'conventional' understanding of what constitutes a 'work trip' (for training and education).

There's no rule that says a trip must be boring to qualify as "materially useful to your job"! That idea is just some puritan(?) ideological nonsense, it has no bearing on how the world works.

Promistreams are now officially in beta! :boost_requested: (Which mostly just means I have added a little infobox at the top of the page :blobcatgiggle: )

Basically, they're streams for that are actually nice to work with, have first-class Promise support, handle errors correctly, handle concurrency reliably, interoperate with other stream implementations, and just generally make more sense than Node streams.

You can use them for streaming data, but also for things like task queues or distribution patterns. They can work in any JS environment, and are not limited to Node.js. More documentation will become available soon (especially for more complex cases), but the basic stuff is already explained at the link.

Please give them a try and let me know how it went, and whether you ran into any issues!

Things with completely inaccurate names:
Cypress pine - not from cypress and not a pine tree, Australian and in the family Cupressaceae not Pinoideae

Asking for suggestions for a free blogging service that's anonymous, not corporate-owned, preferably connected to the #Fediverse, that's NOT #WordPress. Wanting to scratch that itch again. 😃


ETA: @PleaseBoost

One of my favourite things about Glasgow is all the street art that pops up in places, featuring themed renditions of this spiky blob. I have no idea who’s responsible for it but I love it.

This one is on Dumbarton Road, by the rail bridge near Partick station

What is really frustrating for me when I volunteer for @c3auti and also #accessibility is that the most difficult work is totally invisible but the mishaps are always obvious.

I know I will get shoutet at (rightfully) for some of the barriers I know will still exist on #38C3. I know I will probably need to bother PL at least once per day.

Nobody sees the huge nastiness that is averted by good care work. They just see that I couldn't hold my presentation the day after.

Check your backups.



My alerting didn't trigger so I learned there are no valid backups since December 1st (to one of my two offsite locations). And I can't re-enable it because the remote ran out of disk space and zfs holds are funny.

I had to reboot the source machine in the end, and that triggered a new cascade of issues with the nvidia driver updating and totally screwing containerd over.

How did I end up in this place arrrgh.

Check your backups. And alerting.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.