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If you're feeling sick

You can cancel the party or dinner or whatever or tell them you're not coming

Even if it's the last second

You could save someone else from getting sick

And also in some cases, if you cancel, the other party will be relieved that they get some unexpected quiet time

(And also running a script to automatically delete the 850k or so spam users on my Forgejo instance)

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Current project: making a utility library to automagically make Promistreams clonable

I wasn't planning to spend this evening on server maintenance, but here we are

Say they theoretically - very purely theoretically - we'd want to move OSNews from WordPress (hosted outside of WP itself) to something else because of *points straight at Mullenweg*, what would our options be?

Don't mention Hugo or I will block you.

hot take, maar dan in het nederlands 

Jeugdloon is uitbuiting en moet afgeschaft worden. De enigen die er beter van worden zijn werkgevers, en het sloopt de verhoudingen in de banenmarkt.

(Do not tell me to "tune my Synapse" unless you intend to *commit* to help solve these performance issues to its full extent)

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Why is Synapse such absolutely fucking trash software

Amazon has a big strike going on right now, and people are saying "Don't buy from Amazon! It's crossing the picket line!”

Au contraire. This isn't that kind of strike. This is a strike where they WANT Amazon to feel the pressure of orders backing up. They want capacity problems. Buy all the stuff you need but not in a timely manner! Back up their queues! Make it hurt!

Note that the Union is not calling for a Boycott at this time, if they do then that changes things.

reflections on abuse, self-worth, and "fair" (+) 

jasmine just said "abusers always view the abuse as fair" to me

i already know this... both intuitively and from my own reading about these dynamics.

still, it really hits me when i think about this.

for years i internalized that "fairness".

it has made healing from the abuses of my life that much harder, because on a fundamental level i viewed the abuses as fair. i was told they were fair.

even today, i will credit my upbringing with equipping me to navigate power structures in this absolutely fucked up world of capitalism and hierarchy.

the reason i credit my abusers instead of celebrating my own resilience to handle this world
despite my abuse is that i justify the abuse to myself as fair.

i was told that i had to be abused to prepare me for the world, the abuses of the world feel the same as these abuses i was raised to endure. the justification feels true, but the psychological research says otherwise. the way i react to sweetness and love says otherwise. my inability to truly thrive despite my successes says otherwise.

one more reason to get rid of my ideas of "deserving".
one more reason to redefine "fair" under my new value system.
one more reason to love myself even harder for being authentically me.


New #webdev concept: The VNC test.

If viewing a website over a VNC session uses less data than directly loading it in a browser, it fails the test.

Edit: Not a new concept, thank you @cybertailor for this reply!

What kind of tea does a web developer drink? 

URL Grey.

The words "show" and "for a month" were redundant here.

re: kink, question :boost_requested: 

Incidentally, creatures in (Flemish) Belgium also qualify, for all practical purposes and intents it's close enough :p

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every web browser has to support some weird microsoft image format and will look for a file under a fixed path when loading a website, because that’s how internet explorer did favicons like 25 years ago

I'm currently evaluating CSS UI toolkits, and it's kind of depressing how few of them have even a vaguely capable data table component

kink, question :boost_requested: 

So, are there any creatures on fedi who are in NL and are into hard kink especially around dubcon/noncon stuff? Everyone always seems to be in Germany...

Good job everyone who posts nature pics with alt text, you’re the best

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.