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How to defeat website boy: make decent Fedi software with a reasonable migration path from Masto that includes users' old posts and boy-oh-boy all the Fedi admins who regret their software choice from 2017 will come running

California e-bike incentive program opening on December 18th at 6pm PT. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Must meet income requirements, but provides up to $2000 for an e-bike! Please spread the word to folks who would qualify! Especially useful for those starting out on their first job, students living on their own, low income but need better transportation options, currently out of work, etc.

For a household size of one, max income is $45,180

For a household size of four, max income is $93,600

#BikeTooter #california #rebate #ebikes

Voorbereidingen voor Te Land, Ter Zee En In De Lucht in de Efteling

Testosterone doesn't make men aggressive. Really.

If a man is behaving badly, it ain't testosterone, it's something else. The association between T and aggression is weaker (MUCH weaker) than other factors associated with aggression.

And, yes, this is a feminist issue -- because to imply that bodies with higher T have higher anti-social behavior is literally the definition of biological essentialism. It also implies men can't help it, which is also false.

me, remotely, on my home server whose only connection to the outside world is a wireguard tunnel: wg-quick down wg0 :neofox_laptop:

me: :neofox_laptop_notice:

me: :neofox_googly_woozy:

Russian network filtering is configured in such way, that if some user simply opens in a browser, all Hetzner address space will be blocked for this user.

This could be related to attempts to block Tor Browser, which uses as a BridgeDB front. Well, except that they are two different domains that resolve to different addresses :blobcatgooglyshrug:недоступность-hetz

#Russia #Tor #Censorship #InternetCensorship #Hetzner

When I was in college some people were really into “intentional media consumption” the idea being that if you should consume media, you should give it your undivided attention or not bother with it at all. At the time, I found this idea annoying and a little pretentious. They claimed things like reality TV and 24 hour news wouldn’t be popular if people only did this.

AI content is making me want to revisit the idea. Maybe do a personal experiment.

What happens if you pay attention?

@futurebird I also think the other side of it, what might be called critical ignoring, has potential. There's a huge amount of media being made and circulated vehemently, and being intentional about what you don't give your attention to is as important as what you do.

Guardian and Observer journos on strike today - don't visit those sites.

Digital picket lines!

[Source: National Union Of Journalists bulletin]

FBI (etc): You should use end-to-end encryption, because networks can be easily compromised by national adversaries.

Us: Right! Just like we've been saying all along forever!

FBI: Never heard that. Anyway, It's even worse than that! They can even compromise wiretapping systems!

Us: You mean just like we warned that they would when you mandated them?

FBI: Nope, never heard anything like that either.

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Yes, I've heard that the FBI is now recommending that we use End-to-End encryption. Yes, I am worried about dying of an irony overdose.

Such an absolute scorcher on the state of generative Ai. Hard to pick a favorite passage, but this one works.

"The entire tech industry has become oriented around a dead-end technology that requires burning billions of dollars to provide inessential products that cost them more money to serve than anybody would ever pay."

#genai #tech #enshittification

I'm trapped down a rabbit hole trying to verify the length of a roller coaster that RCDB lists as 2509 ft but wikipedia lists as 3281 ft, and every other page on the internet has clearly just copied its information from one of those two places :blobbee_upside_down:

I know a lot of folks in the US are preparing for emigration now, so here's a PSA of sorts for anyone considering Norway (drugs) 

Do not ever, everrr, EVER, under any circumstances, mention ever having consumed any controlled substances, including cannabis, to anyone in a position of authority in this country - not your GP, not a psychologist, not anyone working for a government agency.

Whatever you may think the benefits of being open about it are, it will literally never go well.

You can be denied vital medicine, you can have your driver's license revoked, you may even have your children taken away. If you get a direct question about it, don't hesitate, just lie.

Unless they're the cops pulling you out of traffic, they have to believe you (also most psychiatric services will demand urine tests before offering you any kind of treatment, but any mental health-related services in this country are mostly a Potemkin village anyway and will bill you hundreds of kroner for a pat on the back and a "Just pull yourself together, you'll be fine").

The birds aren't real people bought the Enron trademark for $275 and are doing this incredible bit and all I want to know is how do you buy a trademark because between infowars and this every impish bone in my body aches to acquire some toxic IP

type of guy 

Type of guy who lectures you on being "too abrasive, you won't convince people that way" with no knowledge of your history, and who really just felt personally called out despite the post not being addressed at them, and so tries to cover their discomfort instead of self-reflecting

venting, FOSS, nerds 

This all kind of slots into a broader frustration I have about people having collectively unlearned how to take care of their communities, whether those are in their physical vicinity or online.

It's like people have mentally outsourced everything to corporations. Leading themselves to believe that if a company doesn't do it for them, it is not possible. This happens for so many things, not just software.

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venting, FOSS, nerds 

I'm kind of running out of patience for nerds complaining how Matrix is 'terrible' and making exactly zero effort to contribute towards any sort of improvement, even when explicitly invited to collaborate on an effort to do so. And often arguing for switching to proprietary platforms in a context where that really is not appropriate (eg. FOSS projects).

Yes, some people have a good reason to not be able to contribute. I refuse to believe that 100% of nerds are unable to do so. And a lot of the complaining has a very strong undercurrent of "everything must be served to me ready-made and I am unwilling to work to make my neighbourhood better, because that requires effort".

Hey, guess what, building a commons requires putting in work. How about you do your part in making the open platforms better? Instead of making demands of the, like, 5 people who are actually doing something useful about it?

(This was inspired by a comment elsewhere, but not a subtoot of it, this has been grating on me for years now)

boss: why did this stop working

me: gremlins i guess

boss: it looks like someone smashed it with a hammer until it stopped working

me: fucking gremlins, they get trickier every year

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.