Ik probeer mijn leerlingen steeds weer bij te brengen dat ze altijd kritisch moeten blijven nadenken en volledig zelfstandig moeten durven zijn, maar vervelend genoeg is er dan altijd wel ééntje die daar niet zomaar in mee wil gaan. 🙄

The ADHD experience of coming back in the morning to one's browser with a couple hundred open tabs: "did I already read this article, or did I just skim it and leave it for later?" 😓

health, positive, transplantation 

Sodium levels have recovered to healthy levels, potassium levels are decreasing to healthy range (will arrive at healthy range in about 3 days at current diet). Provisional approval for transplantation from local kidney doctor!

Still needs to be confirmed by transplantation hospital but everything seems good 🙂

I posted this to Bsky and didn't seem fair not to share it here too

Here is Henry making a funny face


a payments acquirer has named their system the CCC and this is causing A Number of brain glitches as I try to work out what the chaos computer club is doing building financial systems

work, weird society rules 

neurotypical adults be like:

be serious at work! follow the dress code! no silly, just work!

also neurotypical adults:

let's build up a team by engaging in childlike activities! you are now forced to enjoy this!

Is there any Static Site Generator which will make pages based on SQL queries? I have a database with 70k rows, and I want to make a webpage for each one?

#StaticSiteGenerator #staticsite #webdev #web #sql :boost_requested:

I've been thinking a lot about what a friend pointed out - that mixed gendered spaces often quickly become male-exclusive because men tend to have much higher tolerance for arsehole behaviour than women, so it only takes one dodgy person to destroy a community as all the women basically leave. Once such a community has heavy male bias it can hardly recover, and its lack of representation means it can hardly succeed in any social, cultural or technical aims. Rings true for the extraordinarily bad gender balance in free/open source software in the context of the Stallman report.

Weird programmer thing I've noticed: as the years go by I find myself more and more likely to create an infinite loop and use break to exit it than to use the conditional part of a while (or do while) loop

Perhaps the most insidious crime of capitalism is that it has deprived generations of their ability to dream in public; a horde of pencil-pushing busybodies perpetually waiting in the shadows to tell you that "that would never work"

@joepie91 Look like they are hacking what's left of XulRunner out of Firefox.
https://github.com/zotero/zotero/blob/main/app/build.sh is `interesting`

me: Hmm, Zotero is apparently written in JS, but it doesn't seem to be Electron. I wonder what runtime it uses 🤔

"Zotero is built on Firefox"

I'm sorry, it what

venting, XMPP 

Reading the XMPP RFC and being very quickly reminded why I don't like implementing this thing (the fucking streaming XML parsing required)

I'm sure nobody cloned it in the several weeks it was up

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Oh hey, the rotting NFT-ized corpse of Winamp finally figured out how to delete their company-internal shit off Github?

Voor als je niet begrijpt hoe de nazi's in de vorige eeuw zo groot werden...

Kijk dagelijks om je heen
Het gebeurt
Voor de neus

En wie er wat van zegt wordt meewarig aangekeken

The section that describes "IQ stanzas" in the RFC immediately explains it in terms of "request/response" so it's not like those terms weren't already in use

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... why are query stanzas in XMPP called "IQ" again?

(I know what it stands for, that is not the question)

Suggesting Gemini or Gopher to someone looking for a Chrome alternative, or suggesting Markdown and Git to someone looking for a Wordpress alternative, is like suggesting a bicycle to someone looking for a car alternative.

Yes, it's technically possible that it will solve their problem - but more likely than not, it is completely the wrong thing to recommend because it isn't even the same *kind* of thing.

Please, when recommending 'alternatives' to people, don't just assume that because you personally like something, it's a good recommendation - actually make the effort to understand what someone is asking for, which may not even be something you've ever needed!

(And I say this as someone without a car, with a bicycle, and who uses Git and Markdown for their blog, so don't bother with the "you just don't understand how much better it is" please.)

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Small server part of the pixie.town infrastructure. Registration is closed.