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today's insignificant pet peeve: companies should quit marketing their organizer solutions as "stackable" when they're only stackable if they don't have stuff in them. that defeats the entire purpose. i want to use my fuckin vertical space

The new Mastodon "CW'ed post" warning colors thing is ridiculous and validates the negative way Fedi dislikers think about CWs here more than almost anything else I've seen, wow.

Thanks, Gargron. 🙄

in romulan culture, it is customary for websites to include a false frontend that doesn’t actually work

school, intergenerational bullshit, counter 

“Well, i never! What /are/ they teaching the youths in school these days?”
Um, the same things they've always taught in school—the only things they've /ever/ taught in school? Obedience, deference to authority, yielding to social hierarchy, and accepting overwork without complaint?

@joepie91 i hope that at least the "cool" overpriced TLD that the UK leeched off of will die

or that at very least it will be more widely known why it was a problem

o, .io cTLD will go fuck itself

good :blobfoxthumbsup:

:duckduckgo: how to focus a dog's digging inclination into snow removal

health, body 

It's moments like these that are just so baffling I can only really respond with amusement; I do way too little exercise, and I'm suffering from kidney failure and am a few weeks away from a transplantation; and due to some mysterious property of my body that nobody's been able to figure out yet, I just... accidentally bent a fork. What. 😂

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food mention 

Okay I know that I have a lot of physical strength, but "accidentally bending a fork while trying to eat a pancake" wasn't *quite* on my bingo card either...

not to be a leftist on main but the entire concept of immigration is one firmly rooted in the unbelievably fascistic idea that the state has a right to determine its racial composition

Wat is dit voor waarschuwing, nu moet ik zelf uitzoeken hoe ernstig het is. Wie is hier nu de weerman, jij of ik?

some plans for accessibility testing 

For a social media project I'm working on (no, not another Twitter clone, don't worry), I have some improved accessibility testing plans, on top of the 'obvious' (Firefox accessibility issue tester, WAVE evaluation):

1. Enable Firefox devtools' color-blind mode during normal usage of the site myself; switching between different simulation modes every few days or so. Then see if anything annoys me.

2. Do the same thing but with JS disabled. See if everything keeps working as expected (some things may not work because they actually cannot be made to work without JS, like real-time chat things).

3. Probably eventually doing the same thing but with a screenreader. This is a bigger endeavour due to my own auditory processing issues and the somewhat flaky state of screenreaders on Linux, so I may not *actually* be able to do this one myself.

If you have other ideas or feedback, feel free to suggest them! Support for mobile (or more accurately, small-screen) devices is out of scope to begin with, but that will change over time and I *am* doing my best not to paint myself into a corner on that.

Heads-up: I see quite a few folks complaining that the latest update significantly worsens readability and/or contrast. Please consider and test carefully before choosing to upgrade!

Pour le festin du dragon, j'ai voulu évoquer les points rouges que l'on retrouve souvent sur les enluminures qui servent à décorer. J'ai donc tout brodé au fil vert foncé sauf les petites croix rouges. Le résultat est plus diffus et inquiétant

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🎵 This is a poor game with a great soundtrack
I'm 48 hours in
I'll never get that time back 🎶

– Kuwasi Balagoon, anarchist, member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, and proud bisexual.

Great, I had a phone appointment but for some reason my phone never rang even though I did get called??? So now I need to schedule in *another* fucking appointment. Another day gone.

Why does nothing ever just work

I dislike the increasing prevalence of automatic AI transcription tools.

They all have really shitty privacy policies, and force you to either consent to shipping off your voice for use doing whatever, or not being able to do your job by not joining meetings if anyone wants to use them (bc the general attitude towards this stuff means that nobody cares about consent or privacy).

I hate discord so much, it’s an user-hostile for-profit company, with terrible software, which can ban you for any or no reason, and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s like building entire communities on top of an active volcano. But the volcano isn’t just indifferent, it is sucking your blood AND hates you.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.