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"just one more refactoring/optimization and then to bed, i won't stay up until morning hyperfocused on autism stuff this time" and other lies we tell to ourselves :akko_woozy:
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experimental lineless style! this was harddddddd but a lot of fun and learned a lot! will definitely give this style another go sometime :3

#Furry #FurryArt #Samoyed

Corollary: the only API I have ever actually paid for was a flat-fee API with a one-time payment for access. And then they shut that down, after months of outages...

So much for that, then.

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Scraping prevention is such a backwards thing to me. Like, I *would* use your API and save us both a lot of headaches, if you didn't put it behind a bunch of bullshit hoops that make it fundamentally incompatible with open-source projects! Why is the API (which costs you less resources to run) more restrictive and guarded than the very-expensive-to-process-requests-for user frontend?

(Obviously not talking about scraping personal data or posts here, that's an ethical problem regardless of access mechanism. This is about actually public data - rail data, commercial data, technical specifications, and so on.)

You know what? I care more about something being written than being the one writing it. So I'll put out this worldbuilding concept I've never managed to turn into a story, see if someone can do anything with it.

Yesterday I found out that Garth Nix, one of my favourite authors, 'doesn't worldbuild the way other writers do'.

He doesn't sit down and plan out detailed worlds. He just comes up with details as he writes and needs them and then that grows in complexity over time, sometimes with occassional ideas or notes floating around.

He worldbuilds like me! I feel so validated! I have always felt like SUCH A FRAUD but The Old Kingdom might be my favourite fantasy world and he built it how I do!

Important trans healthcare notice - Please boost :boost_ok: and share far and wide, including offline with any trans circles:

Someone's insurance is changing right before his scheduled bottom surgery date.

Any patients of Dr. Chen in San Francisco getting bottom surgery ❗before October 1st❗ who is open to switching dates with someone please contact the OP of this reddit post:

or if you don't use reddit message me with your email and I'll pass it on.

He is willing to help cover some of the costs of changing dates such as flight rescheduling.

(The OP of this post is stealth so be considerate of that when sharing)

Here’s what parenting can look like.

When I told my dad I was trans, my dad’s response was, “Oh! I can send you jewelry now!” (He was retired and made jewelry as a hobby).

Two days latter, I had a letter in the mail addressed to Joelle, the first time “Joelle” ever got mail, with a necklace in it. Later he made me this one. He told me, “I hope I got the colors right, I looked it up online.”

You don’t have to mourn a child transitioning. You can be the first to do so many affirming things.

"432hz", wild hypothesis, no evidence presented 

The 432hz music 'conspiracy theory' and subculture really just boils down to that being a more pleasant/engaging thing to listen to for certain neurospicy brains, and an entire subculture/religion being constructed around that to 'socially justify' it, because neurodivergent accommodations are not otherwise respected in society

One thing I hate the most about trying to prepare a trip to another country is that it's very difficult to find anything useful on the internet. :doom_mad:

The search engines are filled with travel blogs who have clearly been paid to promote the place to say that You Should Most Definitely Check Out These 25 Things, which are always the church, some castle, a few statues and the city center - which you can only see after accepting their cookie policy and their 1528 partners.

YouTube is filled with influencers that tell you their local pastry is a-ma-zing and you should DEFINITELY try it, and all the informative videos are made by Americans who have not been there and read aloud a list of facts that they copied from Wikipedia.

Just gimme some simple recommendations like "Finnish people like saunas so you should try a sauna" stuff, I'll see the rest for myself anyway.

uspol, gaza, future. this is about liberals and democrats 

in ten years, this will become another Iraq, another Gulf War, another memory where liberals will conveniently forget their place in it. they will claim they had no choice, or if they are at all remorseful, that they thought they were doing everything they could.

they will place themselves in the shoes of the same radicals they threatened and wished violence upon. "well they should've known not to do that" they say of any of the innumerable victims of state violence. they would never dream of defying the state so openly in that moment. but when they have created enough distance for the radical and the just to become the ordinary, they will say "that was us. aren't you proud? we did that." and they will only speak the names of the radicals they must acknowledge.

and further, they will transform images until it suits them. Nixon and Reagan are hazy memories, praise them when the moment is suitable. Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and King Jr. are no longer subversive and quite so radical - their edges that cut the social order until it bleeds will be softened until they become blunted enough that anyone can handle them with ease.

all images are subject to this regardless of their position at the time. to the liberal, had the national guard and snipers not been brought in during the Detroit Race Riots, there would have been nothing else but the destruction of the city. to this day, many of them stand by Johnson and Romney's decisions. unavoidable tragedy. Kent State Massacre, unavoidable tragedy. LA riots, what else could the state do? unavoidable tragedy, if they even say the second half.

they'll say the same about Gaza as they have about Iraq and Afghanistan. there was no other choice. they know it's not true. tell them to go fuck themselves if ever they try to claim a W

@ahelwer I love when stuff like this is included with a system 😊❤️

Huh, a complete viaduct has disappeared at Amsterdam Zuid 🤯

A wide ask here so please boost: my grandfather is trying to get rid of an old business computer, and I was wondering whether any vintage computer people might want it. It was purchased for $50k from The Ultimate Corporation in the early 80s. This ran the Pick operating system, and my best guess is the hardware was originally manufactured by GE or Honeywell. It's about the size of a half-rack and currently lives in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. It has sat covered in plastic in a chemical warehouse for the past 35 years. Where do people usually post stuff like this other than here? Thanks!


"gender isn't real" and "race isn't real" are actually incredibly different statements (cw: violence, incl. sexual violence) 

when someone says "gender isn't real", they're talking about how our society just kind of decided to put silhouettes in pants on one bathroom sign and in skirts on another - the cloth is just cloth, the bodies in it are just bodies, and the people are just people. when we are presented with ideas like "man", "woman", "butch", "femme", "elf", "dragon", and "robot", we can do whatever we want with them - they are just stories we tell about who we are and who we are like.

when someone says "race isn't real", the stories they're talking about are about how it's totally fine for white western Europeans to torture, rape, and kill Africans, Asians, Arabs, and indigenous peoples around the globe. the stories aren't about who we are and who we are like, but who gets riches and who gets dead. and the stories, riches, and deaths don't care who you actually are.

a skirt and blackface are very different things.


Check yourself when criticizing Kamala Harris. There's lots of great criticism for her, though she seems like the absolute best candidate the left could have this year.

But check yourself, because a LOT of people are using anti-black and anti-woman tropes to criticize her, and it is REALLY easy to fall into those.

Friendly reminder to my fellow americans:

Perfect is the enemy of good, and perfection is impossible in any system where entropy exists - such as this universe we live in.

And, just maybe, consistently choosing to improve society somewhat - no matter how small the improvement - will lead to an improved society for everyone much faster than holding out for The Perfect Solution To All Problems.


And it's not like this will stop me from indexing the site (which doesn't seem to be their goal anyway - they have an explicit allow-all robots.txt), but really this only inconveniences *them* because now their server has to handle more requests due to me indexing category-by-category??

I do not understand what they are trying to achieve here

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