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Without the help from NGI via @nlnet, I don't think I would have had the opportunity to work for a long time bettering the Open Source early boot and Mobile ecosystems like I did.

I don't have the platform I used to have to publish a call to action, but still, do read the following open letter. We need more programs spending more smaller grants to smaller projects to allow them to grow stronger and better.

All of you in Europe, or who may have any way to get closer to direct action, please help them.

Thank you again to the folks at @nlnet, via #NGI for the previous opportunity.

Reaching the final stages of the craft, there are less new features to show. Most of my work this week was sanding and burnishing edges, finishing stitching the feet, moulding them, hardening the inside and I got to gloss the "alive" parts (eyes and tongue). WE ARE ALMOST THERE!
#leathercraft #ttrpg devlog #2 

Today I'm fixing the last few issues remaining before I can start writing real-world scrapers for the new backend!

I think all the major outstanding issues have now been fixed, though I'm sure that as soon as I start trying to use it, I will find a few stragglers.

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So does CrowdStrike actually have any security value or is it just some dumb corporate compliance thing

they say that the hardest problems in computer science are something about naming and caches.

they are wrong. the hardest problems in computer science are batshit managers and the resulting burnout.


the saddest part of today? lots of lawyers are getting contacted for lawsuits against ClownStrike, but they can't take the cases because their computers aren't working either ;_;

Someone here have use for some rented (dedicated hardware) servers with a 2TB drive each? :boost_request:
I just migrated my stuff off one of them and could let you play around with it if you wanted to learn about servers 'n stuff, or had some data to store temporarily.
I could set it to just auto-expire or whatever and hand you some credentials (although I can't give you access to the hoster interface so if you break it you'll need to message me to boot it into rescue, however I know it's fiddly bits so I can tell you everything you need to know about network configuration and how to make it boot, like how it doesn't do UEFI and needs BIOS booting).

(I also wouldn't mind paying for an extra month or two, those servers cost me like 15 bucks a month which doesn't hurt me that much tbh).

The connections I’m able to make by wearing my heart on my sleeve are far more valuable to me than the risk of being hurt by doing this.

Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.

This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.

If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.

Roommate Alex just came over to tell me that his job has been thrown back into the dark ages and S-bucks corporate has told everyone to just give away free coffee untill they can fix it. (They can't fix it)

This sounds like today's gonna be white lady caffeine withdrawal meltdown city, which is terrible, but I'm cackling. God what a nightmare.

All hail the General Cloud Strike

You heard the boss, we gotta write a server fix from scratch

@timonsku and honestly literally none of this is anything to do with Windows at all. exactly the same problem could've occurred on Linux or macOS had CS's driver been written for those OSes and either of them had been as ubiquitous in the commercial space. it's just uninformed blathering by people who want to proselytise for their favourite OS.

Ever since I met two very nice clowns on fedi I cannot use the word to disparage anything or anybody. Clowns are cool.

The fediverse has performed well above my expectations today in terms of both snark and useful information.

10/10, no notes.

Well, aside from the lack of alt text on images. Provide image descriptions, people. It's not hard.

Hi good people! hope you all don't mind me asking, but server needs some financial support! I've made this spreadsheet to share the revenue/costs transparently.

If you can contribute:

Patreon link for recurring:

Stripe link for one-time:

Please help boost if possible 🏁


#BlackFedi #BlackMastodon

Talking to a friend, he recently chatted with someone who usually lives in a monastery as a Buddhist monk, but sometimes comes back to Belgium for a month or so, to visit family.

My friend was saying he has too many books. And this guy said that he's always struggling to empty his room before going back to the monastery, cause the amount of stuff one amasses in a month is always more than expected.

This person is literally a monk. If even he struggles with this, damn. In case you feel like decluttering is hard, cut yourself some slack.

us politics  

you know, it feels like everyone just completely forgot about project 2025 after the trump assassination attempt

If tech workers were all unionized, now would have been the time to go on strike.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.