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NOU SCHREEF IK TOEVALLIG EENS EEN STUKJE over de kwetsbaarheid van onze samenleving nav onze afhankelijkheid van computers.

Does anyone have a physical copy of Edge #398 (July, Hades 2 cover) that can do me a solid?

I'm after a scan of page 14, first page of the As Dusk Falls article, around 1200 x 1500 in size. The digital PDF is missing it 😤

quickly writing a script that halts the system, setting up a systemd timer that runs it after 20 minutes, and deploying to all my NixOS machines in solidarity

@ryanc UA strings are like Game of Thrones lineages:

“Mozilla, fifth of their name, born to MSIE and Windows NT in the 6.2nd year of their reign; of fair complexion and compatible rendering. Parent to two children, their names being Gecko and Webkit. Died in their 24th year of wounds sustained in a corporate merger.”

Now's a good time to do that risky IT maintenance or downtime requiring work. You can just blame it on of many other outages going on

@babe Well... shitposting is the "band playing while titanic sinks" of our time, no?

Everybody: 😱 theoretical supply chain attacks in Open Source 🙀
Crowdstrike: Hold my beer, let's deploy on Friday 😎

#crowdstrike #clownstrike

I would just like to confirm to everyone that I absolutely DID NOT mishear #CrowdStrike as #CloudStrike this morning.

Definitely not.

#sillyScribbles #clouds #silly #nonsense

Calling it “Clownstrike” is quite unfair to actual clowns, who are doing an honest job, aren’t harming anyone, and to the best of my knowledge aren’t currently engaged in a labor dispute


You know something bad is happening when all of the most steadfastly serious infosec people on here start shitposting

To be fair to Crowdstrike, they've probably stopped a lot of cyber attacks happening today

it's very funny that like, every critical service in the world has multiple single points of failure that could explode at any moment

My current employer is imposing sexist clothing rules as a reaction to me wearing gender non-conforming clothes so now I am looking for potential new employers in the Netherlands or remote. I prefer smaller non-corporate organisations and working with free open-source software. I studied computer science and have about ten years experience in software development and system administration. I am familiar with many different technologies and can pick up new things quickly. #FediHire #GetFediHired

the Crowdstrike outage, politics 

The news in NL: "the ATMs are still working, so it is still possible to withdraw money and pay in cash."

Yes, we've been trying to tell you this. But you insisted that digital payments were the future and anyone using cash is suspicious, remember?

"no politics in tech" commentary, slightly doom-y 

Something that I don't think a lot of "no politics in my tech" people realize, is that their favourite tech pastimes (like DIY computer building and lots of other kinds of tinkering) are always just one stab of capitalism away from ceasing to exist, and there is nothing they can do about it as a single individual, as long as they don't recognize the underlying power dynamics

Someone has finally been done in modern times for *checks notes* "Handling a Salmon under Suspicious Circumstances"

Is this a good time to mention British nuclear submarines run Windows?

Not to mention that Fridays are the day off for a ton of Middle Eastern and North African countries, so you're also ruining the weekend for them.

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Dear Crowdstrike, and all Americans:

Please stop deploying on Thursdays. They are our Fridays.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.