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As a society we should make it as easy as possible for people to leave bad families in fair and equitable ways.

That is essential to having an egalitarian society. Freedom of association, and also freedom of disassociation.

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I should probably start tagging these project update posts with or something.

Anyway, current status: rewrite of the scraping backend is almost done. I'm a lot happier with this version than with the previous one, and this one should be a lot more suitable for the original goal of making it easier for people to build their own search engines.

Some big items remaining: switching to embedded Oxigraph instead of a stand-alone server (requires writing some Neon/Rust bindings), rewiring the code so that it can actually load multiple configuration modules with their own namespaces (as it's meant to do), implementing auto-expiry of dependents, worker threads, custom TTLs, and converting existing scraper modules to the new API.

The API didn't change *much*, but enough to need some changes. That should actually end up simplifying the modules!

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phone recommendation, boost ok 

can anyone recommend me a phone that can run a recent mobile OS and is likely to get updates, i can get for vaguely cheap [used is ok], and ideally not huge? purpose is mainly running apps that won't work on grapheneos

tech worker pol 

“You don’t get rewarded for being extra. You don’t get any money when you save costs. You’re going to get a raise below inflation. You’re stupid for caring the way that you do. The business’ downside risk is not yours, and it’s profits are not yours either.”

Excellent article.

(I think it's still faster than PostgreSQL with the same workload though)

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and it’s legitimately hard to identify who the really bad people are! because everyone has good sides. someone who enacts great violence on some people can also be a saint and saviour to other people. is usually, even. no person is only good or only bad. so where do you draw that line? how much work do you expect people to do to come back from what kind of misstep? how do you help them to figure out what work they need to do?

those are hard fucking questions and they can’t be answered generally speaking. i just want people to be aware that this tendency to burn all bridges at the slightest provocation is not a good one. and doesn’t build stable, kind or empowering communities

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like i’m just reading an old shitty pulp novel, and there’s a scene where the protagonist just yells at her boyfriend and insults him for no reason, totally goes off, and then later he shrugs it off like lol you said that.

i imagine someone doing this in some of the communities i’m in, and it would be the end of their being in that community.

i feel like often we react with full defensese when what’s really needed is an eyeroll and a “okay, you’re doing the thing again”

and that’s probably a trauma reaction. because in these communities we’re all traumatised as fuck. so one person snapping at someone or doing a borderline or having a meltdown or being inconsiderate or just making some shitty choices for whatever other reason is instantly DANGER DANGER BAD PERSON

and like, yes, trauma reactions are real, and they do need to be given space. but also encouraging them and holding them up as the Correct and Reasonable strategy results in really toxic communities

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you ever think about how in some leftist communities, all it takes for a person to become ostracised is 1 misstep, or a personality that doesn’t quite fit into the group?

meanwhile, actually healthy, strong relationships can recover from immense injuries. having big fights, making shitty mistakes, sometimes even outright hurting each other – these are things that can be fixed if people do the work.

but in many communities that we build, we don’t give people that chance. we don’t have that expectation either. so people either cause great harm without consequence, or they get pushed out, and there’s no in between. the model isn’t “imperfect people doing their best to help each other grow” but it’s some bullshit purity contest where you’re either “in” or “out”.

i don’t think this model is all that great, tbh, maybe we should think of something better

> The day was first celebrated in 2012, started by Katje van Loon. The date was chosen for being precisely midway between International Men's Day and International Women's Day.

I laughed :blobfoxlaugh:

Happy NB people's day!

@ashinonyx When I was a kid, there was an animated after-school special on ABC that had a bit about the extinction of the passenger pigeon and I just cried.

I remember them quoting someone talking about how there were so many flying, you could hardly see the sky.

When I see murmurations now or that viral video recently of a guy doing a solo journey who was suddenly surrounded by a pod of pilot whales, I just can't imagine the sheer numbers there must have been.

It's remarkable, despite all the environmental devastation humans have wrought, how many amazing sights are still left to see.

I think backwards from there to how teeming with life the Earth must have been before imperialism and capitalism came along...

What must the seas, skies, and plains have looked like?

subtooting hackernews 

Every single time there's a thread on HN about the issues with Git, it doesn't matter what, there *will* be people jumping in defending it as "it's not that hard, you must just not have taken the time to learn it".

And the fact that such vast swathes of developers, including highly experienced ones, continue to find it unintuitive and unpleasant to work with, *somehow* doesn't register to them as a signal that maybe the problem is actually with Git itself...

I really don't understand people who behave like this. How many people need to complain about something before you're willing to concede that maybe there's room for improvement? Why are you so invested in insisting that it's perfect?

@Schouten_B @McCovican @mathew @RenewedRebecca the attitude of an ethical technology company should be that they provide an unsurprising technology that has their interests at heart - including getting consent from them for features that they might not like. it should not be that the users don't know what they want and it's too complicated to explain things to them

Hey please remember to CW your USPOL comments. Thanks!

I think one of the confusing things about the so-called "24-hour news cycle" is that things can be extremely important while also having zero effect on what the next right thing is to do.

Why mutual aid is better than giving to charity (a few of many reasons):

- your money has the most impact on someone's reality if you give it directly to them. none goes into overheads, processing, payroll, marketing, etc

- real people right now have dire problems that cash can instantly solve

- your community (the place where you belong, not a distant separate place) improves and so your life benefits

- people's lives, when you boil down all the world's problems, are the highest priority

Finally made my first demo with Slipstream!

@Violet 's monitor got damaged on the way to the Black Valley @demoparty_no party, so in a life-giving-you-lemons exercise, I decided to make it into a one-of-a-kind custom demo platform using the remaining pixels. One soundtrack from @vurpo later and we were in business...

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.