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@xgranade "Necessary but not sufficient" applies to so damn much.

I had a blast DJ'ing at #emfcamp on Sunday night. Went very well considering it was my first time doing it in person instead of on the internet.

@jtruk caught this absolutely incredible slow motion footage during it, which might be my favourite EMF shot of all time. Charles, Rob, and Dimitri really nailed the effect timings. phenomenal.

If dumping RAM on Qualcomm-powered feature phones wasn't over-the-top enough for getting UI screenshots, the same process with JTAG might just be!
Memory searching and JTAG test points were utilized on the #Samsung SGH-X427m and Gravity TXT to get clean rips of their interfaces.

autotools be like

checking for number system base ... base 2
checking for signed integer system ... twos complement
checking for galaxy ... milky way
checking for laws of the universe ... standard model

American companies building software that doesn't support non-American naming conventions (surname first, mononyms, unnamed infants, compound/very long surnames, many middle names, etc) is cultural imperialism

So, is asking people to look for other peertube homes ... Can anyone recommend a well-moderated, queer-friendly instance for my somewhat rarely published video content?

I have one music video so far that I'd like to keep on the web, and possibly some other music-related stuff to come, probably mostly music videos.

Two things can be true at once:

• It's a dick move to reply to complaints with Windows / macOS with "just use Linux."
• The OS duopoly is bad, and causes real harm that is only getting worse; individual action is necessary but not sufficient to mitigate that harm.

It is absolutely true that individual action fails as a model for social change, and that's at least doubly true for yelling at folks to go take on that change. At the same time, there's often no path to a systemic solution that doesn't at least partially pass through individual action.

In tech, issues as wide ranging as privacy infringements and DRM have been so widely disparaged as nerd problems that it's almost impossible to get any traction on systemic or individual change.

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PSA for any trans person getting feminising gender-affirming hormone therapy through the NHS

Most NHS gender clinics across the UK have heavily restrictive oestradiol (estradiol; E2) target ranges, which are not in line with international best practice or guidance 😮‍💨

Some target as low as 200 to 400 pmol/L (54 to 109 pg/mL).

Many target an arbitrary, narrow 400 to 600 pmol/L (109 to 163 pg/mL) range.

Only a couple are more in line with international guidance, using a wider 350 to 750 pmol/L (95 pg/mL to 204 pg/mL).

If you test above their range, they will typically reduce your E2 dose, even if you feel better with a higher E2 level.

As such, it is always morally justified to take steps to make your E2 level lower when they demand a blood test to stop your dose being lowered :TransHeart:

#NHS #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransLiberation #TransLiberationNow #HRT #GAHT #OpenHRT #trans #transgender #transition

Shorter version of my earlier thread:

Things in tech likely won't get better without at least one component of that improvement involving more people using Linux. That is a valid but incomplete and not universally applicable mitigation to many but not all of the valid problems raised with Windows and macOS.

You just don't have to be a reply-guy about it, though. Offer support where that support is welcome and asked for, and practice empathy always.

Anfang des Jahres habe ich eine kritische Barriere in der iOS-App des E-Rezept gemeldet, durch die Nutzer*innen von VoiceOver beim Anzeigen von ausführlicheren Informationen zu Medikamenten oder einem Rezept in der App gefangen werden und nichts mehr tun können.

Der Bug ist immer noch nicht gefixt - der Aufwand dafür wäre wahrscheinlich wenige Stunden.

Stattdessen kann man jetzt Apple Memoji als Profilbild in der App einstellen. Prioritäten von Nichtbehinderten. #Inklusion #Barrierefreiheit

you should block/mute/unfollow people who make you feel uncomfortable, make you feel horrible about yourself, feel weird to see on your timeline, etc. there is no shame in it.

one of the largest science buildings is now rationing CO2 because we have turned away so many gas deliveries. Maybe the scabs still working will have to stop their experiments anyway

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Yesterday #UAW4811 rank and file successfully picketed unionized maintenance and delivery workers trying to work on water damage in #UCLA's Engineering 4 building. Today that building is shut down due to water damage. THAT is how you strike

one thing that having unmedicated adhd for 37 years has taught me is that you don't need to pay any attention to most stuff

@whitequark @mcc "The Recall team didn't make a conscious decision to exclude DRMed content" is relevant to the conversation about whether they put any thought into what they should be recording or not

why does every note/task/knowledge management system have like a whole ideology attached?

I don't want to reshape my thinking around stoic philosophy; I just want to remember when my next appointment is and what the ingredients are for that good burrito recipe.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.