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Buch-Empfehlungen pls? 🥺

SciFi, Fantasy, sehr gerne divers (queer, Neurodivergenz, Behinderungen, etc) und utopisch (aber kein Muss)


The upside is that that whiteboard was definitely never gonna fall off under any circumstances, this tape is honestly pretty cool

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(The whiteboard has been removed now but it took a solid few minutes of prying to get it off the door)

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Looks like the hypothetical removability of the tape I used for the whiteboard was largely hypothetical indeed

@zens I've really liked pop os for these reasons, like everything can be done through GUIs that are actually put together nicely (except the pop shop, like zamn it sucks but there's going to be a completely new one for cosmic so that's exciting)

hopefully we'll see more software move towards simpler installation and GUIs when possible

Can you envision a linux distro that by default cannot have a vt100 emulator installed, and is no less rich and flexible as a result?

imagine not asking people to type in arcane commands to do basic things

and imagine not immediately infantilising the people who don’t want to. a computer without a terminal emulator shouldn’t be thought of as a playpen full of soft plastic toys. there are in fact ways to build powerful and flexible UIs that arent command lines

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Increase FOSS adoption with this one simple trick: stop blaming people for being unable to cope with bad undocumented software and make it less bad instead.

the reason people use apple products is by and large, you can get help using them without a group of people telling you you’re a giant idiot for not knowing how to tune flux capacitors

update: read my ui design principles

make your software less bad

had to use the internet without ublock origin for like five minutes the other day and was horrified about what an ad-infested shithole it is, i can't believe regular people just live like this, it's like some horrible dystopian parallel universe

as if the web's degradation from public forums into little walled gardens with only limited search capabilities (discord, facebook groups, whatever) wasn't bad enough, the best sources of obscure technical information are being wrecked prematurely in order to help fuel automated generation of wildly inaccurate 'information' in the form of LLM vomit.

I should probably archive everything useful I read from now on

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One side effect of the current corporate AI fad is website users deleting their posts and accounts in protest. One prolific user of a site was responsible for posting sooooo much information that I've used to learn 'retro gamedev' on multiple platforms; and they've killed their account and every post as part of a wider protest against the site's new policy to explicitly scrape all posts for LLM training data 😢

We need to be working together to solidify our abolitionist and disability justice politics and fight attempts to push eugenics and squash dissent.
This means returning to masking as a regular, everyday practice, as centring the most vulnerable continues to be our best path forward to liberation.

#MaskUp #DisabilityJustice #WeKeepUsSafe #CovidIsNotOver

I completely forgot I uploaded VistaPro 3.20 (the scenery renderer) to the Internet Archive, where you can run it from your browser. For those sudden urges of wanting to create some landscapes.

Includes the MakePath tool.

Don't forget to take screenshots of your creations! Nothing can be retrieved from the disk the in-browser DOSBox keeps, as far as I know.

(Please be patient with the Archive's speed, they're dealing with persistent DDoS attacks at the moment)

programming grumbling 

(I don't really give a fuck about companies deciding to build on unpaid labour and getting burned in the process, but this stuff affects other people too, building community projects - often people who do *not* have copious amounts of time on company dime to fix and replace things later!)

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programming grumbling 

Corollary: don't make your project website look like "a project that's in it for the long haul" if it's just meant to be a short-lived hobby project. Again, hobby projects are completely fine, but you need to communicate that that is what it is!

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programming grumbling 

Please stop making "alternative to <other thing>" projects with no further information! Why does it exist, what is different about it, when and why might I want to use it instead, when and why should I not?

It's okay if the answer is just "it's probably not better, I just wanted to make my own thing" but then *say so*! Don't leave me and many others guessing what the purpose is, spawning all sorts of imagined differences and other misinformation as people try to explain away the existence of two options

Billionaires should be regularly publicly mocked and ridiculed. If they don't like it, they can stop being a billionaire.

"activism" scam 

Yet another bunch of people trying to make a quick buck off selling scammy products by misusing activist and anarchist aesthetic and rhetoric:

These same people are advertising on the website of the The Light paper, a fascist conspiracy rag in the UK.

Fuck people like this, honestly. Going off some of the text on the website, I'd not be surprised if they are trying to draw people into conspiracy shit *within* activist movements as well, so probably keep an eye out for them.

I swear, every time I see people bringing up 'spirituality' within supposedly leftist activist movements, it's some thinly veiled bullshit like this...

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