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oh: neurotypicals should really learn to mask better. I know you want to talk about the weather but please just pretend you have a favorite lizard or something, it's not that hard

These are different things with different levels of urgency for fucks sake

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It continues to immensely frustrate me how Element shows a disconnection in the tray icon with the same visual language as an outstanding notification, which itself is the same as an unsent message

Somewhere in the space between Yahoo! and AOL., CompuServe dot com still exists somehow.

For my first project in circuit networks, I ended up building a fully automated order-picking train station (that works with logistic trains), with a resettable counter of picked items, because that is totally a beginner project

General announcement for contributors and users: registration is now open for the governance proceedings! You can participate if you have at least one contribution (of any kind) to NixOS or its ecosystem. :boost_requested:

Instructions here if you use Github and that is where your contribution was:

Or otherwise, instructions here (approval may take a bit longer):

While I do not want to declare victory prematurely, the successful operation of the NixOS governance talks so far is an extremely big deal to me, for personal reasons that I don't quite want to go into *yet*

The thing that surprises me the most about Timberborn is how many ways different mechanics interact. I'm16 hours into it now and I've multiple times discovered things that completely changed how I approach solving problems in the game.

If you care about community governance topics, then you should probably be paying attention to the governance talks right about now :)

They are starting a student protest at the university of Lausanne, which asaik is the first one in Switzerland.


so I just realized I did a sizable project and never posted about it publically

last year I spent a few months on and off reverse engineering Pinball Fantasies (a 1992 video game; originally for Amiga, though I was reversing the more polished DOS port) with the intent of doing a game engine recreation, and then rewrote the logic as a Rust program

you can grab the result here: ; if you're interested in the internals of a 1992 DOS game written by demoscene people, I wrote down some (rather incomplete) notes here:

I'd also like to thank @domi for porting this thing to browser environment with WASM, and hosting the result:

a short trans person doing things, call that a microtransaction

General announcement for contributors and users: registration is now open for the governance proceedings! You can participate if you have at least one contribution (of any kind) to NixOS or its ecosystem. :boost_requested:

Instructions here if you use Github and that is where your contribution was:

Or otherwise, instructions here (approval may take a bit longer):

a couple people have sent them to me so just a psa that the songs on that "ObscurestVinyl" channel are ai-generated. the person writes the lyrics and then has ai generate the music. (the "my arms are just fucking stuck like this" song etc)

Okay... I want to say this. Right here and right now. When you're around disabled people, you should do the following:
1. Don't speak to someone else who is with the disabled person as if the person can't speak for themself. This is incredibly rude and harmful. There's nothing wrong with communicating with a disabled person. Ever. There isn't a problem. There. Is. Not. A. Problem. With any of it. Talk directly to us.
2. Don't ignore disabled people. Talk to us. Ask us questions. We are people just like anyone else living in this world. Asking questions and having conversations with disabled people is not wrong, rude, disrespectful or harmful. It's okay. Seriously. It's fine.
3. If a disabled person tells you to stop doing something, even if you think it's somehow helpful to them or you think they need you to do it for them, stop. Seriously. Just stop doing it. They're telling you to stop for a reason. Society has this common need to overdo it when it comes to helping disabled people. If they're asking you to stop, then stop.
4. Respect us. There is not a single person, and that includes disabled people, in this world who doesn't deserve basic human respect.
5. Don't look down on us. We have disabilities, but we can still live our lives. We just do things differently than people without disabilities do. It isn't something to be ashamed of. I also hate the societal stereotype that disabled people going about their lives are an inspiration. Stop thinking that too. We're people. We live. We exist. We have just adapted in our own ways, and as such, we may live a little differently. And that's okay.
Once again. Ableism needs to stop existing. Please, please do not participate in it. It's a real problem that hurts so many people

Do you ever just vibe and feel perfectly awake and then suddenly, out of nowhere: eepy

It's really still kind of surreal to me how we're here now. It may not look like much, and it isn't much in terms of immediate impact, but *so much* time and effort went into making this seemingly impossible thing happen, and it will make the actual governance work so much easier.

This has taken easily hundreds of hours for me alone...

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Somebody please stop me, or tell me this already exists, before I go and register a domain name, but it would be pretty neat to have a coding blog that casually injects leftist ideas.

gender euphoria, cis, anecdote 

my laser hair removal technician is cisgender and has been doing this line of work for decades with a tremendous amount of passion and empathy

how did she get started? in her 20s, she had awful dysphoria because of her facial hair. she had laser hair removal herself and it was such an impactful experience she changed her career entirely so she could help others find the same relief and comfort

goes to show this is a very human experience, regardless of your gender

Anyone here knows some zines about polyamory
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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.