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Pet peeve: the waste generated by appliances for which the consumables and/or wear components stop being available shortly after release.

Think air filters, non-stick grill plates, nonstandard vacuum cleaner bags, ear thermometer caps, seal bag rolls, and so on.

Like, you end up with a perfectly working device that you can't use anymore because you can't replace the one part that's worn out despite it being *expected* that that would happen.

Probably the most authoritative crowd counting association in Serbia estimates between 275k and 325k people today. They emphasise that this is likely an undercount due to uncertainties in other parts of the city at that exact point in time.

To put those undercounted numbers into perspective:

- That is between 15% and 19.5% of Belgrade's total metro area population.
- That is between 4.2% and 4.9% of Serbia's total population.

#SerbiaProtests #Serbia #Belgrade

a thing cis allies could do: obtain gender affirming care and publicly acknowledge it to people they know

getting a boob job? HRT for menopause? HRT for low T? laser hair removal?

affirm ur gender and tell ur friends how great it is

that would be dope, thanks

This is the Google Maps "Immersive View," which Google thinks is good enough for prime placement in their app

"Disobedient universities

The occupations have challenged not only the status quo within Serbian universities, but also outside.

Students have developed effective self-governance through student plenums or assemblies, where each student has the right to speak and all decisions are voted on. Ad hoc working groups are put in place to deal with various issues, from security and logistics to PR and legal questions."

SOUNDS A LOT LIKE CONSENSUS DRIVEN DECISION MAKING & decentralized syndicate networking.


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"The protests in Novi Sad began soon after the disaster struck, with local residents and students carrying out 15-minute road blockades to commemorate in silence the 15 lives lost. This form of protest spread across the country in a highly decentralised manner, with more than 200 cities, towns and villages holding such vigils.

On November 22, a group of students from Belgrade University’s Faculty of Dramatic Arts attempted to hold a small 15-minute vigil when they were physically assaulted by a group of people.

In response to this and other similar attacks and in the absence of any reaction from the authorities, the students decided to occupy their facilities three days later. This inspired other students to take similar actions."

@hazel the most fun part is that if you look down while it’s happening to find out the password you can’t do it all of a sudden because that’s not what your head is doing in the muscle memory for the password. your own brain just decides it would like to keep it a secret from you

some real left-brain right-brain shit is when you boot your computer and you cant remember your password but your fingers just type it anyway and log in and you still cant remember your password

It is always interesting to me how people never seem to demand evidence that cruelty will be good for "the economy" but no matter how.many studies of kinder things like UBI or housing first we do those who talk about "the economy" refuse to believe they are beneficial.

You know how people in tech often dream of pursuing farming?

uspol, Greenland politics 

Boosting with CW, but I love this take on MAGA.

lmao. Alton Towers opens new ride themed to toxic fluids, and puts up a 'splash zone' sign somewhere as decoration.

Then on opening day, a sewer pipe of a nearby toilet overflows, and floods the area in sewage.

And I don't even know whether it's delicious irony or a bizarre marketing stunt, because it *is* Alton Towers we're talking about here...

CW request, suicidality, important 

Please for fucks sake CW your posts about transphobia.

Transphobia has a high tendency for making me actively suicidal.

ok, let's say I want *the* sharpest tweezers out there. the absolute finest point you can find. sharper than a needle.

I already have the ultra fine tip pair from Weller Erem (which I think now rebranded to Apex Tools) and they are, amazingly, not fine enough for the task I have in mind.

what're my options here? are there tweezers available with tip geometry sharpened down to the micron range?

note: must be hand tweezers specifically, not anything bonkers like wire bonding rigs.

it's pretty good that a king got stabbed and we are still making jokes about it two thousand years later

I understand the programme making style required for general audience TV.

But as I watch more YouTube and shorts than everything else I’m used to stuff that’s tailored to people already interested in the topic, without the detailed exposition and emotional interviews to get you invested.

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🔹Licencing a company to buy debt is hard & takes years.
🔹He wrote off £1M debt with £100k of his to make a point: Govt should consider the Fair Banking Act & make banks accountable.
🔹Govt/banks declined interview.
🔹Gordon brown interviewed & said he’d try help start some conversations.

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I just watched Michael Sheen’s £1M Giveaway. I don’t want to detract from the mission which I wholeheartedly agree with, but God I forgot how slow TV is!

Long-form tv aimed at a general audience, with all the required exposition feels a lot slower than YouTube.

Look at them shine ✨

(photo: Arhiv javnih skupova / Archive of public gatherings)

#serbia #europe #pumpaj

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