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mozilla, browsers, actionable :boost_requested: 

In light of Mozilla's recent terms-of-service bullshit (and well, the years of enshittification preceding that too)...

Here's a reminder that Servo:
- Is an independent browser engine that exists,
- Is no longer a Mozilla project,
- But *is* being actively developed and maintained,
- And needs your help and contributions to make it a full-fledged alternative!

(Its current primary objective is defined as being an "embeddable browser engine" but this is only the first step, and more importantly, it's where 95% of the work in "building a complete browser" lies)

My cat has invented a game where he hides under the bed and I shake his crinkly snake on a stick toy. He waits until I'm not paying attention then explodes out from a different piece of the bed to grab the snake. Having raised my blood pressure and vanquished the snake, he trots back under the bed. Repeat until the cat is done.

To start the game, he brings the snake on a stick to me, drops it at my feet, and howls. I have been well trained.


Did the math, and after the plastic use optimization, the stacking nets for the 15x20cm bins cost me 6 cents each in filament cost. The bins themselves cost 49 cents each.

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for fucks sake people


all you achieve with that is spreading nazi propaganda in public

(Unironically used this principle in my stacking net design)

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Any filament is flexible filament if you print it thin enough 🙃

This is the first time in my career I've had to email a lawyer before kicking off a test run.

Just a reminder that the names of your bibtex citations get included in the PDF (both as the link anchor name and in the metadata), so if you name a paper `morons_who_copied_us`, reviewers and readers will be able to see that...

Some good news about #Mastodon, there has been a very significant bit of code added which will automatically fetch all the replies in a thread. This means everyone will be able to see a thread's whole conversation no matter which server they are on! 🥳

The code has just been "merged" which means it should become available in the next update to Mastodon, hopefully within the next few months.

(Those who want the technical details can see the Pull Request at

(Via @rolle)

🪭remove all gender markers from identity documents. They serve no purpose except harassing people.

A fun thing with vulnerability writeups is to watch the (cloud-based) issue trackers of affected companies come in as referers :)


Software to produce a short looping animation that can be printed on a circle of paper the size of a vinyl album

The animation is visible if you play the record at the standard speed and set a strobe light to a certain frequency and position it so that it only illuminates the bottom 1/8

brpol, cringe terorrism 

meanwhile in Brazil someone left a bomb in a busy subway.

the kicker: it was a badly made diy bomb that caused little more than a firework bang in a corner, damaging no one and no private property.

the kicker: the bomber left a pamphlet with a hammer-sickle, signed by the Brazilian Comunist Party (PCB), calling for death to fascists in the name of Maoism

the kicker: PCB is a dead party with no guts, the only crime they do is their design sense. they wouldn't claim a graffiti on MASP, let alone sign terrorism. and while they're despicable Marxist backstabbers, they aren't in fact Maoists. plus the pamphlet wrote the wrong expansion for the party name.

there's a lot of kickers.

I hate to defend Marxist pyramid scheme parties, but this was the most ridiculous false flag attempt I've ever seen. I bet the entire thing was planned and executed by exactly 1 retired white middle class dude who asked ChatGPT how to build a bomb. (again.)

My package has now been in 4 separate logistics centers over the course of 3 days and it is still not dispatched for delivery. I have never had an InPost package take this silly of a route. I actually looked through my package history and practically all the packages I've ever ordered through them would get dispatched for delivery after a maximum of 2 logistics centers within 2 working days. How do you even find 4 separate logistics centers between any 2 points in Poland?? The country isn't that big-

My latest newsletter is about J.J. Abrams' famous "Mystery Box" TED Talk, in which he claimed "mystery is more important than knowledge."

Our politics are all Mystery Box now. It's all rabbit holes and conspiracy theories, all the way down. The Mystery Box ate our world.

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