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Billionaire snark 

I'll consider feeling bad for a Tesla driver when they tell me one (1) thing they've done to substantially reverse the damage they did to the world by sending Musk a 6-figure number of dollars

And no, absolving oneself with a "mea culpa" bumper sticker isn't gonna cut it

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Billionaire snark 

If you sent a Tesla's worth of simoleons to empower the Nazi salute-doer who's currently running the USA

You don't get to say that you regret it until you have sent at least a Tesla's worth of simoleons to your local underground antifascist resistance cell, or in mutual support to comrades who need it

I don't make the rules

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uspol, amusing 

There's something very funny about Trump's tariffs on Mexico and Canada significantly affecting Musk's company (Tesla) because that's where a lot of their parts are made

Kattenvoer, grit, en klein zakje 'snoep' (gewoon voer dat ze heerlijk vinden) binnen.

"Het is heel zwaar." sprak de bezorger naast zijn kloeke steekwagen.

De bijna net zo hoge doos als ik was gescheurd aan 3 kanten.

"Hij is wat gescheurd." zei hij verhelderend, en vertrok.

Ik haalde de buit binnen.
1 zak 10 kilo. Geen probleem.
1 zak 8 kilo. Lachertje.
1 zak grit 11 kilo. Makkie.

2 combineren: soort oefening. Wel lekker.
In de grote doos zitten de jongens lekker te spelen.


some account named "StingyFromLazyTown" just forked my personal site's github repo and made a single commit that added a license file containing this???????

conspiracy theory 

xda-developers is a psyop by Google to prevent well-orchestrated foss development of Android hacking

I'll have to think about how to construct an impact testing rig, to figure out exactly *how* strong this design is. Should be receiving some aluminium profiles (for a different project) soon, can probably use those for this?

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The slicer view makes it pretty visible where it's getting its strength from!

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Interesting day at work yesterday with the whole 'esp32 has a backdoor' nothingburger thing. For what it's worth, we at Espressif have written a formal response as well as a more in-depth overview of the issue. I'd like to quote one of the lines from the formal response:

"Espressif also extends its gratitude to the security research community for promptly clarifying that the disclosure does not constitute a backdoor. Their responsible disclosures and continued support have been invaluable in helping users accurately assess the security implications and maintain the integrity of their connected devices. "

That was my sentiment exactly. I saw so many of you on my timeline calling out the bullshit and properly informing your followers and it warms my heart; thank you for that.

@vlrny i imagine #spoonieTown must have a leave-a-spoon, take-a-spoon thingie at every cash register and at every bedside and, hell, in every room, even.

Most popular volunteer job in #spoonieTown ?

Hug envoy.

If someone you love is having a rough day and you can't get out to give them a hug yourself, there's a corps of volunteers ready to pass on your wishes to comfort.

They will also deliver snacks.

@vlrny #spoonieTown has volunteers to return the used cargo bikes to the stores

#spoonieTown has cargo bikes at the hardware store you can borrow to get your #diy stuff home.

But somehow reassuring?
Like, one day I'll probably watch a docu about these days.

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(The intention for this design is to allow stacking bins, of course, but stacking the box of bits directly on top of it makes it more obviously visible how it works!)

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It's very strange to watch a documentary about a natural disaster I was in.

The wires ended up not working very well - however, they did inspire a slightly different solution. Instead of wires, I now fill up the slots with a solid layer - but only a *single* layer, instead of the full height, which is just enough to provide extra rigidity.

I've also slightly increased the thickness of the whole thing again, because it was bending at the hooks too much, risking breakage under weight. I've also modified the end hooks a bit; they are now actually hook-shaped, and thinner in some non-critical places.

The end result is a plastic cost of 1.65 meters; only slightly higher than the empty-slot version, which was about 1.55 meters. The original design was 3 meters!

The design seems about perfect now; the hooks only engage with the rim of the bin once it's under weight and the hooks are pulled towards it, whereas without weight there's enough margin that you can take off the whole net without getting stuck on that rim.

And it's working quite well with some stuff stacked on top of it! And a lot more stable than my previous corner design :)

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