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When you want to clear just the browser file cache to solve an issue with a website, but accidentally clear everything except the browser file cache... ​:shinx_facepalm:

2FA paraaaaaaaade!

NixOS, grumpy rant, "you" 

I fucking warned you all that you needed to get community defense sorted out before the project got too big and popular. I fucking warned you. Since half a decade ago.

You chose to endlessly deliberate and debate over everything instead, and well, this is the result. Congratulations. You had every possible warning, insight and support structure to prevent the problem, and you simply chose not to.

(I assume that the reader will know whether this rant applies to them or not.)

Let's talk about technology.

For many of us, talk of #technology and people immediately jump to computers & electronics. That's technology. Everything else is. Well not.

As a society and culture, it's like we've forgotten that all other technological advancements that came before.

At it's core. Technology is about energy amplification. Taking an input of energy from the human, and magnifying it to get more energy out than went in.

That's all technology is.

Let's talk about this item.


@joepie91 I've done protests with like, 8 people. handed out info. chatted with people, got them informed. always useful.

Just an observation: the number of cybertrucks out in the world numbers in the low 10s of thousands. They could easily ~all be torched in a weekend with enough organization.

But this is just an observation.

I've been wondering, where *does* this idea come from that you need to show up with thousands of people for a protest to be 'meaningful' or 'effective'?

You only need a handful of people (like, under 100) to cause unrelenting havoc for a long time and force an organization's hand through direct action.

But to make a significant difference in an election, voting-wise, you need *way more* than a few thousand people, to do it reliably (and it must be reliable, because that's the threat underpinning the protest).

So then what strategy for change does this idea of "thousands of people protesting" serve, exactly?

*Does* it actually serve anyone's strategy?

politics, disability 

Irregular reminder to those who need it: There are disabled people in the United States of America who are unable to leave despite their lives being directly threatened.

It costs money to move internationally, and being legally considered disabled in the US means an upper limit of $2000 in assets - go over, welp you're not disabled anymore.

Plus, immigration generally requires one to have a job lined up in the destination country, and disabled people don't get hired.

USpol, Mahmoud Khalil

edited to add the link for the online petition for his release:

I know online petitions are limited in their direct utility (and if you decide to sign please take time to think about how much information about yourself to include) but at least the high number of signatures is keeping this story in the news.

From August 2023, here is my incredibly long recap of the pandemic, from “crazy times lol” to “you do you” to “to what end.”


Does anyone have any particularly readable Nix configs they might recommend for a new user? Particularly any that combine NixOS and nix-darwin configs.

Getting my 'new' dining table and chairs tomorrow! Solid wood, seems pretty old, and it was listed on the local classifieds for free pickup!

Will be nice to finally have a sturdy table to do stuff at. I expect it'll need a little work to get it back into nice shape, but with solid wood that shouldn't really be an issue.

Definitely will need to replace the seat covers at least, they're quite old and worn out.

nixos, pet peeve 

People barging into a discussion about preventative community safety/sustainability measures, spending countless posts arguing that we shouldn't be taking preventative measures because the thing we're trying to protect from probably isn't going to happen anyway.

Like, why would you *actively argue against* people doing preventative work? You're not even saving them time - you're *costing* it.


Bond Precaire Woonvormen Rotterdam 🏠︎ nodigt je uit voor een filmvertoning en discussie over Precaristas, een documentaire over de strijd ✊ voor toegang tot huisvesting, door bewoners en leden van de Gran Canaria huurders bond. Deze film is een inspiratie voor ons en biedt elementen voor strijdlust, voorstellen voor actie en ervaringen om over na te denken voor onze huidige huisvestingsstrijd in Nederland op basis van huurderszelforganisatie en solidariteit.

Datum: Donderdag, 20 Maart 2025
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Locatie: Snackbar Frieda, Bajonetstraat 49, Rotterdam
Taal: Spaans, Ondertiteling in het Engels



Bond Precaire Woonvormen Rotterdam 🏠︎ invites you to a film screening and discussion of Precaristas, a documentary about the fight ✊ for access to housing carried out by residents and members of the Gran Canaria Tenants Union. This film is an inspiration for us and offers elements for militancy, proposals for action and experiences to reflect on for our current housing struggle in the Netherlands based on tenant self-organisation and solidarity.

Date: Thursday, 20 March 2025
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Frieda Snackbar, Bajonetstraat 49, Rotterdam
Language: Spanish, English subtitles



"Despite its name, the Jerusalem artichoke has no relationship to Jerusalem, and it is not a type of artichoke,"

patriarchy, sex and gender, Boosts ok <3 

One of the greatest lies men manage to perpetuate that goes mostly unchallenged is that their hormones do not impact their behaviour and moods the way it happens for women, and that culturally male-coded emotions are mysteriously "less irrational" than female-coded ones.

(unless a woman displays one of those emotions, of course. Then those emotional states' supposed quiet dignity is magically gone in an instant)

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