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went out for groceries, found this gorgeous Goeppertia medallion for a mere 7,50€ :blobcataww: hopefully she'll adapt to the environment of my living room~

It does frustrate me that nowdays everything has it's own device-specific battery built in, even stuff that would run perfectly well on a single AAA cell.
Sure, that tiny LiPo cell in there might have more capacity but have you ever tried to find a replacement? You can track down something that fits, hop that the chemistry is compatible with the charging circuit and maybe set things on fire but it's such a pain in the ass.
Even using a single use 3v lithium coin cell is better sometimes. Yeah they're single use but also pretty high capacity and have super high recycling rates. Things built in batteries are either expensive so people will get them replaced (i.e. phones) or they are cheap and the whole device will be thrown away once they're dead.
And I hate to live in this reality that 99% of the electronic things we use will not be there in 10 years time while I can comfortably plop a rechargable into a 50yo thing and it just continues working.

Best bijzonder, de Ramadan en Carnaval starten op dezelfde dag..

Welp, apparently some mice discovered my gardening seed collection and decided that it constituted "nest with food reserves"

Just finished reading the whole collection of HP Lovecraft's fiction, and it was in some ways really interesting and enlightening. Not necessarily in the ways he may have WANTED, mind you, but still...

Gracious, did that man love to read himself write like some people like to hear themselves talk. And the racism could get real unbearable at times. But overall, I can see why his world-building and eerie atmospheres are still beloved to this day.

Also, now I finally get some of the references in Lovecraft-based media I like, so that's fun.

#bookstodon #book #reading #HorrorFiction

Btw @lonelinesscorps is a group bot that will boost anyone that tags it.
It's basically a mustering point for community building.
People use it to:
•reach out when they're bored
•start some kind of silliness like our watch parties
•share strategies for local community building
•and sometimes just have deep talks about loneliness, community, and healthy relationships

Follow it for more randomness and connection in your life.
Use it to help combat loneliness for yourself or others.

Ah yes, a combination electric potato peeler and salad spinner

almost managed to entirely forget about the whole concept of paying for the bus

Deutschlandticket has ruined me

If you've been a pagan for a while, you run into the same questions over and over again. It can be difficult to come up with quick, easy to understand answers to a topic as complex as religious beliefs when you're like, standing in line at the grocery checkout.

I've learned that the best strategy is to somewhat meet their expectations, and then direct the next question to a simpler, more specific topic with your answer.

Here are some that I've developed over the years that seem to work:

Q: "What is paganism?"
A: "It's a nature-centered religion where we believe in many gods, kinda like Buddhism."
(This gives people a frame of reference to something they have heard of before, even though it's not perfectly accurate.)

Q: Do you worship Satan?
A: Not personally, though pagans worship all dofferent kinds of gods. As long as no harm is being done, we don't tell people which gods to worship.
(Emphasizing the polytheistic nature of paganism works best, especially for christians, who have to get over that binary good vs. evil idea first if you want to reach them)

Q: Do you do spells/believe in magic?
A: Yeah, a spell is just like a prayer with ingredients. I make a brew, light a candle, and ask the universe for help. I mean, it can't hurt, amiright?
(Sounds a lot less cool and mystical like that, but it appeals to reason.)

Q: So are you, like, a witch?
A: Yeah, I practice witchcraft every time I work in my garden, lol. It sounds way cooler than it is, it's mostly meditating and lighting incense.
(Don't tell what witchcraft *is*, focus on what it looks like.)


De stukjes overheid die hun bestanden en mail nog niet op Amerikaanse servers hebben gezet, maken grotendeels enorme haast om dat nu alsnog te doen. Men lijkt een druk te ervaren. Maar negen andere ministeries gaan nog niet over, dus kennelijk *hoeft* het niet nu. Is er echt wel haast? Of wil men snel over voordat het duidelijk wordt dat zoiets gewoon niet meer kan?

hospital reference 

Apparently an ambulance trip cost them 900 EUR, and my initial hospital stay after they discovered the kidney failure (including a day of ICU) cost them 9k EUR

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A single renewal of a single medication I was taking before my transplantation (admittedly one of the more expensive ones) cost basically 5 months of my insurance fee, and it was far from my only medication or treatment

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Was looking at all the expenses billed to my health insurer and yeah, they're definitely making a loss on me these years

At 17, Pippin has masterfully honed her stealth and camouflage skills. 🤭


There was a long queue to the repair shop. There always seemed to be, these days.

The areas for fabrics and fibre, wood, metal, mechanics and electronics were all busy, but none more so than the dreams section.

"Oh, this has taken some beating, poor thing."

"Can you fix it?"

"We'll do our best."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

2025 will be the year of "oh god there are no good browser options left to switch to"

nlpol, public sticker art, wilders 

Found at a crosswalk in Amsterdam. The sticker is attributed to @tesseltenzweege.

I will slowly start posting all the stickers I take photos of. Many of them will be under the hashtags at the bottom of this post, if you'd like to mute those terms (namely #AmsterdamPublicComment). I'll still always try to CW as best I can, but the bulk of them will be nlpol (like this one), uspol, pspol. I haven't actually created any of these stickers and I'm never the one sticking them to things (unless I'm covering up something worse).

These will always be left leaning messages but will most frequently cover: - saying right leaning politicians, parties, and governments are bad

veganism good, animal abuse bad
fossil fuels bad
pro Palestine content
pro union stuff
pro trans/queer stuff

#AmsterdamPublicComment #AmsterdamGraffiti #AmsterdamStickerArt #StickerArt

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