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hey mozilla how is your legal department so bad that you start your acceptable use policy with "follow all laws" and about halfway down there's "don't harass people" and everything else in there is something that sounds close to a law but is misworded in such a way that it basically makes all online communication illegal

You wouldn't believe how common it is for software companies to literally make it impossible for me to give them money either because of a consistent software error or an outright design flaw.

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A recurring thing I've been encountering over the past few months is SaaS pages erroring out when I try to pay them because nobody in-house seems to be testing whether non-US orders work.

"This browser isn't from one of the countries in our list. Let's just say it's in the US."

"Oh, no. Your payment method is from a different region than the account. Please choose a different payment method."

Then everything 500s all over the place once you try to change the account region.

a morning in brussels (Kodak Vision3 500T @ ISO 320 with a 85B filter)


us pol 

The courts aren't working. They have no enforcement mechanism against the executive branch. Democrats are not going to sort this at the midterms. Don't wait for that!

There are still options aside from taking up arms. (Fighting MAGA and the army is likely to go badly.) Major go slows - just do /everything/ really slowly. General strike. Major protests.

It's possible to overturn a system by just refusing to participate in the old one.

uspol meta, negative 

I'm not sure the consequences of the current situation have landed for a lot of people yet.

Losing the military support of the US means either further invasion, or increased militarization across Europe and most likely a military draft.

Neither Trump nor Putin will ever decide they've had enough, they will always continue pushing this towards its logical conclusion unless stopped by force.

nazi techbro avoidance 

Over the past month, I've been doing my best to de-mega-corp my tech ecosystem.

My conclusion: unless you are a skilled tech nerd with money and are willing and able to do it, it's basically impossible to not be exploited by your tech.

Tech's current state is abusive in all the worst ways, and frankly it should be illegal.

Tech professionals should be ashamed by what we have wrought.

@joepie91 if I’m not exaggerating, then the “malice” is “take money from Google to keep the company afloat and then make sure you don’t compete with Google, but make every effort to appear as if you still do, publicly”

Like if Mozilla had spent half the money they basically set on fire by working on useless, unwanted shit all this time, they would have probably had enough resources to outcompete blink

Just so many failures that were clearly expensive, unlikely hail maries

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I can’t believe this company was once a place I seriously looked up to. They’ve been doing basically completely clown shoes shit back to back for at least the past decade.

Just absolute nonsense. It’s so bad I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s being intentionally sabotaged. The level of damage that has consistently been done to such a feel good brand, so consistently, for so long, almost feels like the sort of thing only malicious actors would pull off.

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Mozilla have been up to a lot of clown shit lately, but slapping SaaS terms on a piece of software which is distributed to end users, with these kinds of overbearing and categorically inapproriate terms, has to be the clowniest. Fire these lawyers

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I just read an intended-to-be disparaging comment (not aimed at me) where someone said, "you're not a clown, you're the whole circus"

It took me several reads to process this as an insult.

If you use VS Code on , you may want to look at - it lets you run stuff like rust-analyzer and other plugin-internal processes in the context of a project's shell.nix, which is really useful when compilations require external system dependencies

the aliexpress algorithm has decided i’m the kind of person who’d buy a 1 ton mini excavator

they apparently are less than €2000

Hottest Firefox Take Yet 

What if internet services were public utilities and what if that included my damn browser? Maybe I could just pay $10/mo for something way more stable and also way less caked with crap.

But I kid Capitalism and the tech bros, of course.

the real meaning of "cloud native" is "we're too preoccupied with 'scalable' design to notice that our cluster can serve requests at about the same pace as a 486 box running debian 2.0 in 1998 could, just more complicated and more difficult to iterate on"

USpol, Texas pol, anti-trans bill, caps. 

Once again, for those in the back. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT THE KIDS!!

Bill TX HB3399 is, essentially a find and replace, swapping out all instances of "child" or "minor" with "person" in the section of the health and safety code added by S.B. 14, the law passed in 2023 banning gender affirming care for minors.

This was *always* the plan. Anti-queer actions are *never* actually about protecting children.

Official bill here:

Text also visible, and the bill's progression is trackable here:

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