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perhaps you shouldn't collect "data" by merely hitting some endpoint in some web apps, and, if you really care about accuracy, bother for a wee moment to build in some basic statistical checks into your software that can easily spot exaggerated and otherwise implausible reports from instance APIs?

you can for example make a basic guess that an instance wouldn't grow >x% per day and code a case in your app so that any growth that exceeds that is flagged for manual review?

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if your fedi stats bot is being thrown off by instances providing inaccurate data, that's a you issue, and it's happening because you don't know what data is and how to collect it, and much more importantly, you're noticing the exaggerated numbers from GtS instances because they are, quite conveniently, illogical numbers

so while you're being thrown off by "baffled" stats, don't you think, you're excessively vulnerable to maliciously tweaked stats that aren't obviously inaccurate?

Oh for fucks sake. PayPal has changed their business account dashboard *again*

Gibt es in Deutschland Recruiter*innen, die sich auf Remote-Arbeit spezialisieren?
Ich kenne jemanden (nicht mich), der einen neuen Job sucht und sich für Remote-Arbeit interessiert. Ich denke, ein*e Recruiter*in könnte da hilfreich sein.

idk but having software security issues found and published by a smattering of security consultances which have a direct financial interest in blowing things out of proportion seems like it may not be a very good model for computer safety

If you want to stand up to fascists, wear a mask.

It’s one of the simplest and easiest things you can do to resist.

It protects your health, while also protecting disabled and marginalized people who are in grave danger from fascist policies.

It’s fun how sometimes I manage to do something pretty impressive at wobk and get many people amazed and excited but get no happy chemicals from it,

And then do something completely useless in some obscure ass piece of tech that 3 creatures use and get flooded with them

How are AUDHD brains even real, dawg


You FOSS people who are cheering on LLMs and "open-source AI" do realize that you're actively chasing developers away from publishing under FOSS licenses, right? Because a license that excludes LLMs cannot be considered FOSS?

There are good reasons to have that requirement for a license to be considered FOSS, but the other side of that coin is that you *must* promptly address ethical abuses on a community level, and not fucking *embrace* them.

rambling on companion gardening 

* in my experience with wild gardening when I have had so-called "pests", they come all at once on 1 specific plant that was already kinda meh, devour it in droves, then leave without touching anything else in my garden. I had a forget-me-not fall to weevils like this; we had wild strawberries dark red and juicy right next to it the entire time, the weevils didn't even look to the strawberries and left my garden afterwards. similarly, I once unwisely brought an orchid outside because I thought she'd like the sun; the shock in environmental change was so great that the orchid flumped afterwards, then out of nowhere developed an infestation of scale; that orchid never recovered, but despite being back in the house, the scale insects never touched any of my other orchids and disappeared afterwards. so now when I get insects I always ask myself, was the plant already weakened to begin which? in which case that's just the cleanup crew, if you do wild gardening and you have something sick or dying, _someone_ is bound to come and eat it.

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rambling on companion gardening 

companion gardening is frustrating because there's very little research on it, and there's so many compounding factors involved that it's super hard to do the research. but it's also the kind of thing that anyone gardening has seen effects—positive and negative—so you know there's something there, and especially for people like me that do high-density high-biodiversity wild gardening it's very relevant. I'm not the kind to dismiss lore as superstition, a lot of gardener's lore is just stuff that works, but the lore on companions is too contradictory to know what works or not. and I like testing things myself but again, compounding factors.

so thinking on first principles, reasons why companion gardening may work:

- mechanical. "three sisters" principle: a tall plant, a low bushy plant and a climber, together, means they can all share in the sun.
- compatibility of needs. basil likes a lot of water and sun, so does tomato, so if you add both you can just strive to keep that pot well moist.
- overpowering plants. mint grows so much so fast that it can literally overshadow other herbs. but nothing's stopping you from planting it under something tall like corn, or say next to an ivy that's climbing a wall, or to nettles with can stand up to it in growth rates.
- biome/ecology. wild strawberry grows in forests, so it should have evolved to negotiate with a forest-type soil food web, which is fungus-centric. make a foresty soil with lots of wood/bark and leaf mulch etc. and it will probably be happy with other foresty plants like waldmeister or bear garlic. by contrast rosemary grows on sunny dusty meadows and exposed rocks in the Mediterranean, so it will be more bacteria-oriented, so maybe make a sunny pot with thyme and sage. mints are happy with wet boggy soil meaning they're adapted for anaerobics; could probably share a bog-pot with forget-me-not and spring-snowflake, for example (as long as you contain her spready tendencies, e.g. with a lil fence).
- cross-pollination. maybe don't plant dill next to angelica or fennel, because the resulting hybrids are unlikely to taste good. (or do it on purpose to develop your own varieties, but you'll need some guided selection until you develop a tasty hybrid or heirloom.)
- insect repellents: I'm rather sceptical of the idea that if you plant this or that aromatic herb insects wouldn't come because the herb itself is a repellent. rather in my experience plants are able to defend themselves from insects almost perfectly, _as long as_ you have living soil with rich microbiome and the plant is healthy enough (you can proxy this by measuring sugar production with a brix refractometer). what I suspect is happening is that when people plant savoury next to their tomatoes or etc. they're increasing biodiv and general health of the tomato, which is then able to produce more secondary metabolytes and become unpalatable (or just flat-out thicker cell walls, which is enough to shake off aphids).*
- and the one everybody imagines: specific species of plants having evolved compatible or detrimental chemistry together. e.g. allelopathins from sunflowers or brassicas are said to be especially effective at hindering the growth of nightshades.

but there's very little reliable information on this, and I wonder how big of an effect it is, compared to what you get from the basics: plenty of sunlight, adequate watering, and a richly alive soil microbiome that you feed with living things (organic compost, worm tea etc.). like doing periodic drenches of worm tea is like night and day, you can test it yourself in two pots at similar positions, but you'll feel guilty for the plant you deprived of friends when you see how much more the other one grows. I'm not sure how much the companion factors matter if you nailed everything else your plants need. like onions are said to inhibit the growth of beans, but if you plant beans next to onions and they don't grow, it's hard to be sure if *that's* the reason they didn't grow, it could be so much else.

#wildGardening #Naturgarten

This simple farming technique can capture carbon for thousands of years.
It's called: leaving the fucking oil and coal and gas in the ground.

Vier de kracht en moed van jonge vrouwen, van BIPOC-vrouwen, van trans vrouwen, van ongedocumenteerde vrouwen, van disabled vrouwen en van vrouwen in tijden van genocide en oorlog!

Kom op 8 maart naar de Wereldvrouwendag-manifestatie om 12:00 bij het beeld van Mariken van Nimwegen (Grote Markt, Nijmegen). Vier diversiteit, vier de kracht van de vrouw! Kom samen, juist nu.

The Siemens C60 in a first generation of consumer facing MMS phones did have a camera. Yet didn’t have a camera!

Ich vermute, dass das auch daran liegt, dass heute überwiegend Sublimationsdruck verwendet wird, während damals AFAIK irgendein Transferverfahren (eingebranntes "Abziehbild"?) verwendet wurde. Die Linien sind dort deutlich schärfer und klarer.

Gibt es noch Dienstleister die sowas für kleinere Auflagen anbieten? Hat hier irgendwer noch etwas mehr Ahnung/Hintergrundwissen?


#askfedi #tassen #merch #osm

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Ich habe vor einigen Jahren eine Tasse für #openstreetmap gestaltet. Die Vorräte sind aufgebraucht und es braucht eine Neuauflage.
Die Tassen von zwei verschiedenen potentiellen Dienstleistern sind allerdings leider qualitiativ deutlich schlechter als die Tasse von vor einigen Jahren (in dem Bild ist die alte Tasse in der Mitte).

#askfedi #tassen #merch #osm

Concretely, what “male socialisation” is, is the continuous reinforcement to boys that being woman like or feminine in any way is bad, and will result in violence done against them.

so the folks who accuse trans women of having male socialisation, as some kind of cudgel to claim we are really men…

seem to be missing the single most obvious and directly visible fact about trans women

Trans women are women. And we start off as girls who the world believes falsely to be boys.

So the way we experience “male socialisation” is not the way that boys experience it. We experience it as it being continously reinforced to us that what we are is *bad*, and if we ever dare to tell the world who we really are, violence will be done to us.

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colonialism, question 

I have seen this phenomenon a few times now, where an American or European brand, in the context of UTZ/Fairtrade/etc. certification, talks about sustainability and how they've established 'coffee schools' or something similar for the farmers, to "teach them how to grow sustainably" and the like.

Am I missing something or is this some colonialist "we know better than you" bullshit?

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