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I'm sure I've already seen some tips here, but I did not bookmark them. So where do you buy(!) English language ebooks without drm?

In today’s “terminology matters”:

❌ Return To Office policy: middle-management language that assumes “office” is a neutral position, we’re somehow “returning to”. This term has been carefully crafted by corporate strategists to sound as palatable as possible.

✅ Mandatory Commute policy: centers the outcome for workers - spending hours each day on an unpaid commute to and from the office just so we can be on video calls all day.

We don’t just have to accept hostile framing.

Boeiend! Terwijl sommigen stellen, dat transgender zijn een hedendaagse mode is, waren er al in de middeleeuwen mensen (waaronder zij die interseks geboren waren) die zelf hun gender bepaalden en, meestal zonder medische ingrepen, maar zelfs die kwamen voor, bevestigden!

The number went up

I personally know FOUR people at Microsoft now who have gotten laid off in the last 6ish years since I joined two of them through social circles, two thru the actual trans I’ve been on.

all four have been out transfem

I don’t know a single cis person who has been laid off

I know multiple cis men who have done unspeakably incompetent and inappropriate things.

I don’t know a single cis person who has been laid off. I work with a LOT of people at this company.

Like any normal computer toucher my workflow relies on a modified version of a script no one else uses because it's uncommitted in my local git checkout with -rune postfixed to the name.

80% of my timeline comes from instances hosted on various VPSs

20% of my timeline comes from instances hosted on servers with at least one of the following features:

raspberry pi
hanging freely from a ceiling
was locked by a carrier
has an internal combustion engine
is made by siemens
makes frequent travel to coordinates that are on the NEWAG denylist

I then realised on the next screen when it asked for money.
I know redeliveries are free. At that point I looked at the URL and realised my mistake.

So here’s some proof that it can happen to anyone. I’ve delivered cybersecurity training in the past.
But they got me at a moment where I was slightly emotionally vulnerable.

It also had three .mobileconfig files as attachments too, which I didn’t spot at first, but these can reconfigure your phone/computer if you open them!

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USpol, good news

Michigan has updated its hate crime laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories.


I just got Phished 🤬
I’m sharing to reduce your chance of getting phished too.

Waiting for an Evri delivery, I saw the notification for this email, & the link took me to a page saying they’d failed to deliver.

These work by social engineering: I was too frustrated to notice it was sent to the “wrong” email address, or the dodgy URL of the page.
It asked for my details. It had no plausible reason to need my DOB so I didn’t give it one, but I still gave it everything else because I was rushing.

The thing is that with a robust plugin architecture, users are not beholden to the developers' vision of how the software "should" work

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The world if programmers put half the effort into designing robust plugin architectures that they put into architecting their own code today

just a little personal gripe here but i'm rather tired of seeing posts that center transfeminine identity formation around relationships transfeminine people have with tech and plushies, it's a bunch of bollocks really; seems like another box to jump straight into after jumping out of the one labeled "stuff boys like"; i get that it's comforting to partake in these shibboleths but it also seems very exclusionary for people who are transfeminine and have no interest in computer-touching dweebery and mass-produced soft toys

Sent the prehistoric fish to a friend.

The response was flawless:

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(Don't really want to do that yet because if I don't have a solid grasp of what state each server is in, that just seems like asking for trouble in terms of keeping things secure for others)

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Then eventually, once I know what runs where and have consolidated all the services that don't really need their own system, maybe I can free up enough space to provide some free (hosting) services to marginalized folks?

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Next up is bringing various older VMs together under central management with morph, so that I don't have to manually keep track of so many different systems. And also making sure my backup setup is consistent everywhere.

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Finally getting around today to inventorying and cleaning up all the various servers and VMs I have scattered across different providers and countries! Already deleted a bunch of ancient DigitalOcean VMs that served no useful purpose anymore.

more than three years ago, i made a #tokipona 88x31 button as a for-fun doodle
without me noticing, this button got added to a lot of tokiponists' websites. i see it used pretty frequently

today i looked at that button on my website and thought to myself, "huh, it looks like something's wrong with the resolution of this..?"

... oh dear

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.