Like, what is it about modern folks that they have no strength in their convictions? No ability to look at fuckfaces like Rufo and tell them to choke on their own vomit? Why can nobody in the center-left figure out that *some principles are worth fighting for*?
Stop being respectable and start cracking your knuckles. Rufo is a punk. He would literally weep like a baby if you looked at him crossly.
You aren't preserving *anything* if you capitulate to them, so why try?
This truly isn't hard, you numbnuts.
You say "fuck off and die" and then you implement policy that bans them from your campus and make a public statement that you don't support Nazis or the right-wing elements that they spawn, and that your institution will burn before you will be bullied into doing so.
Seriously. That's all it takes. They have *no* power. Also disinvite your board members who support them from being on your board.
random talk about religion
so, one of the big reasons why "atheist" is not a religion is because religions are far more than a belief system: they're also a culture and a set of traditions. it's why so many people are proudly Jewish despite not really believing in God
but also, the weird thing about this is that the most popular religion in the US and Europe, Christianity, has replaced most of its culture and traditions… with capitalism. every Christian tradition except Christmas and Easter has been removed completely, and those two are still mostly about buying gifts or chocolate eggs
so, in a very real sense, the primary religion of the US and Europe is capitalism, not Christianity. and this openly tracks with basic Christian morals like "love thy neighbour" being completely omitted in favour of capitalist bullshit
the irony, of course, is that Christianity at its core is very anticapitalist, but that's far from what people believe nowadays
This guy did something dumb a decade ago and is still living with the consequences. He's a bit desperate financially, but still won't resort to a memecoin, it's too wrong.
personal, activism (2)
Oh, there's one more variant: local 'anarchist' meetings that ostensibly exist for organizing and meeting new people to work with, but which have exactly zero COVID safety guidelines and which pretend that the pandemic is over, and so I cannot even safely attend them
personal, activism
It immensely frustrates me that I *want* to get involved in effectively (locally) organizing against fascism, but I cannot do that on my own and almost everyone I talk to either:
1) Is completely politically apathetic and uninterested in doing literally any work to improve things to begin with,
2) Fails to pass even the most basic intersectionality test (usually in the form of holding differently-bigoted beliefs and absolutely refusing to introspect on them),
3) Is completely uninterested in any kind of creative strategizing, insistently sticking to the same three strategies that haven't worked for decades and that just burn out participants, or
4) Just outright doesn't have the energy/spoons to be actively involved, usually due to disability (which I obviously don't blame them for, but from a practical perspective it doesn't help to get things moving).
Like, it shouldn't be this difficult to find even a few people who are genuinely interested in making things happen, and have the energy to do so to at least some degree?
(This is in the Netherlands, to be clear)
#BlackHistory. Meet Kizzmekia Corbett, leader of the team that gave us the Covid-19 vaccine. Thank you!
One of the things that continues to baffle me is how willing so many people are to just *believe* the things that corporations tell them unless disproven.
Even if you believe that some corporations are truthful, clearly *many* corporations must be structurally lying (even if you don't know which), otherwise the world couldn't look like it does today.
Isn't that an obvious reason to be more skeptical of corporate claims by default, rather than giving them the benefit of the doubt...?
@Luczeproblemen Het doet me denken aan een vriendin bij een andere verzekeraar. Alles digitaal, tracking-app op de telefoon. Sport zich in ruil voor wat spiegeltjes en kraaltjes een slag in de rondte, terwijl ze dat eigenlijk niet aankan. Maar het extraatje kan ze wel goed gebruiken…
Dát is wat prijsprikkels doen.
"Prinsenbeek ligt aan de snelweg A16 [...]. Staat het verkeer ergens rond die wegen vast, dan kiezen automobilisten vaak voor een rit door het dorp. Ook verkeer tussen Zevenbergen/Etten-Leur en Breda ziet het dorp als een makkelijke of kortere route dan het nemen van de snelweg."
Gemiste kans om de rol van navigatiesoftware zoals Google Maps hier aan te stippen, die er nogal een handje van hebben om mensen door sluiproutes te sturen bij files.
uspol, trans, yikes
Friends, the whole thing with trans erasure is very deeply sinister. Like, they're going to murder us level sinister.
Allies, you need to be super clear that you support trans rights. Your civic organisation, religious group, union, workplace - every organisation needs to be putting out messaging that you support trans people. Issue a statement. Speak from the pulpit. You can do this. It's ok to take initiative. Step back if a trans person wants to lead, but if they can't, you can. If you need help writing a statement, DM me. You can do this.
Put trans stickers on everything. You car, every surface in public spaces. Fly flags. Make support visible. Sew a patch on your jacket.
Put pronouns in your email signature, in your messaging app, in every profile. When you introduce yourself, say your pronouns.
Write letters to government officials, to your local newspaper, to every place that will print a letter. Thank officials doing the right thing.
Find out when demos are and show up. Organise a demo. Get some mates and a few flags and stand on a corner in your town's centre on a weekend afternoon, waving signs saying you support trans rights. You can just do this. You don't need trans people to organise this. You can just do it. Print out some leaflets from trans orgs and hand them to people.
Put a big banner on a freeway overpass.
Donate to trans rights groups. And to clinics that offer care. Give money to planned Parenthood and your city's free clinic.
Have you fantasised about what you would have done in a historical moment? This is that moment.
And I'm not just talking about the actual libraries that run on the target device here, the build tools are just as horrendous
i dunno. when someone makes a post that's only like "pass it on!" or "this!" no cw, with an image that contains the actual information of the post, without alt text so it's both inaccessible and unfilterable, i feel like that person doesn't respect other people enough to be worth hearing from
(This toot brought to you by me reading back the issue thread about Fedora fucking up the Bottles packaging)
the politics of aesthetics
The main thesis of this article is sound: the far right loves image generators because they hate art and artists.
There are a few cringey errors and a wee bit of overreach, but I really think his main point is solid. Indeed, I would go further on a few examples he raises.
The author discusses dictator hair, saying it's ugly on purpose. He describes Trump's hair as a microagression of ugliness. While this is largely correct, I think he's missed some nuance, especially in terms of gender. Women of the far right have impeccable hair and carefully chosen wardrobes. It's only the men who dress badly, wearing ill-fitting suits and inexplicable haircuts. Therefore, bad hair is a gender expression, and I would argue, one rooted in homophobia. There is a lingering stereotype of hairdressers and stylists as gay. So Trump and Milei and even Boris Johnson all have hair that symbolises neglect.
In actual fact, Trump spends a lot of time on his hair and makeup, but the result symbolises contempt for the workers who prep him for the public. He uses their labour but disdains their craft. The symbol of his hair as anti-hairdresser supplants the reality.
When a symbol becomes more important than the thing it represents, it's called a "fetish". In that sense, Trump's hair is a fetish for utilitarian masculinity and compulsory heterosexuality.
I’m fucking tired of people working at the same company reviewing and merging each others PRs. I’m fucking tired of corporate interests putting their own capital gains ahead of the project. We need to actually give them resistance when they do this, instead of worshipping them and putting them on a pedestal and contributing to their personality cult. They are fucking cancerous to nix/nixpkgs/nixos and everyone that gives a shit about those and have power in the project have a duty to start speaking up louder against this shit.
God forbid you’re not employed by them? Get a spine. Most of these places are shitty employers anyways.
Domen, creator of devenv, recently added telemetry to his devenv thing, as part of adding AI to the product, and when nixpkgs contributors removed the telemetry, he reverted the change, with a self merge, without a fucking review even.
This is a clear conflict of interest. We need to stop this from happening in the NixOS organization, corpos need to have some respect for users.
Discussion thread:
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.